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  Network management of small and micro-AD sites

   School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering

  , ,  Applications accepted all year round  Self-Funded PhD Students Only

About the Project

Through our industry-led micro-AD development work it has become clear that the eventual scenario of institutional, community, business and household-scale AD will take the form of a network of sites across a geographical region which are managed by a central organisation that both monitors the sites, and is able to provide technical support, with the everyday operations performed by unskilled staff/community members. The management of such a network is complex and this work aims to develop an operational framework that would enable this vision. The research would focus on how outputs from a monitoring system can be interpreted to diagnose and classify process problems and how the synergies of a network of sites can be best exploited. The student will benefit from links with industry through and have access to data from several micro-AD development sites in the UK.
Engineering (12) Materials Science (24) Mathematics (25) Physics (29)

Funding Notes

1st or 2:1 degree in Engineering, Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Applied Mathematics, or other Relevant Discipline.

This project is available only for Self funded students.

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