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Gold catalysis represents one of the most vibrant and widely applicable fields of catalysis and in this project we will be exploring how catalyst design can be used to influence reaction pathways to gain greater control over reactivity. This is aimed at the development of novel transformations that will enable faster, easier and more efficient access into desirable molecular structures. The project will build on recent (unpublished) discoveries in the Davies group (https://syncatdavies.com/) exploring ligand influences on controlling reaction pathways in gold catalysis. The project has the scope to cover method development (reaction discovery and optimisation, structure-reactivity surveys, application of the method) using catalysis in organic synthesis, ligand design and organometallic synthesis as well as mechanistic studies using in situ spectroscopy. Training will be provided across all areas, and the project has significant scope for expansion into diverse areas as it and the PhD student develop.
The PhD student will join the Davies group and the Synthesis section in the new Molecular Sciences Building in Birmingham, which opened in 2024 and provides a state-of-the-art environment for research. The School of Chemistry at Birmingham has undergone a significant recent expansion in the number and diversity of research areas, providing a vibrant environment for researchers.
Funding notes:
The PhD project requires candidates with strong performance in at Masters level (including integrated undergraduate MSci or MChem programmes at 1st or high 2.1) in chemistry or a closely related subject and a strong interest in organic synthesis and transition metal chemistry. Research experience in organic synthesis and/or catalysis is beneficial.
For informal discussions please contact Paul directly with your CV and a cover email outlining your situation https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/staff/profiles/chemistry/davies-paul
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Research output data provided by the Research Excellence Framework (REF)
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