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We are seeing the second quantum revolution, bringing quantum theory out of the lab. The advantage of quantum theory is opening a huge range of application in many sectors such as environment, data security, telecommunication, defence and aerospace etc. By 2025, overall global quantum technology market will reach $21.6B. Very recently, the Nobel Prize in Physics has awarded to three scientists for their pioneering research in quantum physics and photonics.
Project description Systems for the emerging applications need a high-efficiency and low-noise single-photon detectors that are capable of detecting an individual quantum of light. The successful studentship holder will collaborate closely with collaborators from other Universities and industrial partners in order to deliver the novel III-V semiconductor based single-photon avalanche diode detectors that can be employed for the emerging quantum technology application systems. This project presents an excellent opportunity for motivated candidates interested in fundamental semiconductor physics, nanotechnology in an industrially relevant field and emerging quantum applications.
The research project will be carried out at The Institution of Photonics and Quantum Sciences (IPaQS) Heriot-Watt University. The successful applicant will closely work with The Single-photon Group based at IPaQS. She/he will be able to access campus-based the-state-of-the-art cleanroom, access industrial standard simulation package for advanced semiconductors design, SILVACO TCAD software suite, access a large number of semiconductor material characterisation setups, extensive device characterising facilities of a high standard for the advanced research of quantum detectors and the state-of-the-art application testbeds. The studentship holder will be financially supported to attend national/international conferences and visit project collaborators worldwide. This PhD will involve working with the UK Quantum Technology Hub in Quantum Communications which is a EPSRC funded £25m consortium of major UK Universities and major industrial companies. As a Physics PhD student at Heriot-Watt University, the student will also be enrolled in the Scottish University Physics Alliance and the internal Postgraduate Development.
Currently IPaQS has a total of 160 academics, postdocs, PhD and EngD students working full‑time in the general photonics field. Heriot-Watt’s Quantum technology research has led to five prestigious EPSRC Fellowships to individual academics, six early career Royal Academy of Engineering Fellowships, a Royal Society University Fellowship and a RAEng Chair in Emerging Technologies, and research income within IPaQS achieved 12.1M in 2020. As well, the studentship is based in a modern environment on the outskirts of Edinburgh, with excellent transport links to the centre of one of Europe’s most exciting cities.
Academic requirements We are now looking for a talented individual to join us at this exciting time. Eligible applicants must demonstrate excellent academic performance in semiconductor physics or engineering course. The successful candidate must be capable of operating effectively in both individual and group work. Experience of computer programming in C/C++ and/or MatLab would highly advantageous, but knowledge of other programming languages is relevant. Also be strongly motivated with the drive required to pursue four years of intensive practical and theoretical work.
Application and enquiries Interested applicants should apply by submitting their CV and covering letter to Dr Xin Yi (xin.yi@hw.ac.uk). The studentship can start at the earliest opportunity. For more information on post graduate research in IPaQS and the application process visit https://www.hw.ac.uk/uk/schools/engineering-physical-sciences/institutes/photonics-quantum-sciences/research.htm. Informal enquiries can be addressed to Dr Xin Yi.
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