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  Novel interphases for ceramic composites: a high-throughput approach

   Department of Materials

   Applications accepted all year round  Funded PhD Project (UK Students Only)

About the Project

The Department of Materials at Imperial College London, as part of the new CDT in Materials 4.0, is looking for a candidate to undertake a PhD project in the field of Ceramic Matrix Composites for the next generation of aero-engines and fusion reactors. The project will be in collaboration with a Archer Technicoat Ltd (ATL). The studentships include fees and a stipend for the duration of 4 years.

Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs) are playing a crucial role in supporting the transition to zero pollution activities by promoting more sustainable transport and energy generation sectors. In the case of transport, CMCs are currently allowing to run aeroengines at higher temperatures reducing the amount of fuel burnt during a flight. However, the current CMCs are not ready to support the usage of new sustainable fuels such as hydrogen. The limiting factor is the interphase (deposited between fibres and matrix) which is crucial for the mechanical properties, but which degrades fast in the presence of water vapour. This will be a challenge in hydrogen-fuelled planes as water vapour will be the main exhaust product. In the case of energy generation, fusion is envisaging the usage of CMCs as breeder blankets. However, the available interphases have shown poor resistance to the irradiation damage expected in a fusion reactor and they are also acting as bottleneck and slowing down the implementation of CMCs in fusion. So far, there is not a clear picture on how future interphases will look like and we are limited to the sporadic outcomes trying to find individual suitable candidates.

To target this problem, we want to develop a new high-throughput approach capable of defining a range of suitable interphase candidates. This means, finding interphases that produce similar micromechanical properties to the existing ones, but which can resist the new extreme environments. To achieve this, we require of two steps: (i) develop a high-through put approach capable of efficiently depositing a wide range of promising interphases and (ii) automatize the characterisation and testing protocols required to evaluate a large dataset of sub-micron size interphases.

The selected candidate will be based in a dynamic research team with focus on ceramics fabrication and performance in the Centre for Advanced Structural Ceramics (CASC) based in the department of Materials at Imperial College London while being part of the of the Materials 4.0 CDT which involves several UK-based universities. Applicants should have interest in: ceramics and composites, electron microscopy, micromechanical testing and data analysis. Good teamwork and communication skills are essential. In addition, the candidates should have (or be expecting to obtain) a first degree (1st class or upper second class) in materials, mechanical engineering or a relevant subject.

If you are interested in applying, please send a CV and a motivation letter to Oriol Gavalda Diaz ().

Duration: 48 months (starting on 1st October 2024)

Engineering (12) Materials Science (24) Mathematics (25)

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