PhD position in Structural Engineering - High-performance steel/aluminium structures, sustainable structures with green and recycled materials, structural resilience of steel structures under hazards

   Civil and Natural Resources Engineering

   Applications accepted all year round  Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

About the Project

Dr. Ke Jiangs research group at University of Canterbury – Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering has 1 fully funded PhD position in the field of Structural Engineering. The research topic will be in the areas of

1.High-performance steel/aluminium structures

2.Sustainable structures with green and recycled materials

3.Structural resilience of steel structures under hazards

The research will be conducted with a diverse range of methodologies, including laboratory testing, numerical modelling and the assessment and development of mechanic-based and machine-learning-based design methods for advanced structures.

Funding support:

•Accepted Ph.D. student will receive a 3-year doctoral scholarship ($28,000 p. a. + tuition fees) and research conference stipends.

•Visiting researchers and exchange students are also welcome. Please email directly for inquiries. 

Required qualifications:

•Background in Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering, or a similar area.

•Highly motivated, capable of effectively communication and collaboration.

•Strong work ethic and research integrity

•English proficiency, please refer to

Application procedures:

Timeline: Position is open for 2024 year-round admission.

Interested applicants please email (with the subject of ‘PhD Application – [Your Name]’) the complete list of documents to

•A curriculum vitae

•Up-to-date academic transcripts

About the University of Canterbury:

The University of Canterbury is a public research university based in Christchurch, New Zealand. It was founded in 1873 as Canterbury College, the first constituent college of New Zealand. The university is well known for its Engineering and Science programmes, with its Civil Engineering programme ranked 9th in Academic Ranking of World Universities. The leafy green campus is nestled between the sea and mountains, offering you the chance to learn and experience many different worlds - adrenaline, art, biculturalism, biodiversity, innovation, southern lights, sustainability, and more — all while studying at a world-class institution.

Engineering (12) Mathematics (25)

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