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  PhD scholarship in Applied Mathematics on Modelling Microfluidic Phenomena

   School of Mathematics and Statistics

   Applications accepted all year round  Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

About the Project


This scholarship is for high a achieving student in applied mathematics (or similar) with an interest in pursuing a PhD on a topic related to the mathematical modelling of microfluidic phenomena. The scholarship includes 35,000NZD/year, plus tuition fees, for three years. Some additional funding may be available to attend one or more conferences.


Inertial microfluidics is a fascinating field that explores the behaviour of fluids on a tiny scale, revolutionizing the way we handle and manipulate liquids. Of particular interest is the motion of particles/cells which may be suspended in fluid flow through microchannels. Particles typically migrate in surprising and seemingly unexpected ways. However, this behaviour has been exploited to develop applications such as the separation of circulating tumour cells from other cells in a blood sample. Applying mathematical modelling techniques to study this phenomenon can provide new insights into this exciting field of research and enhance practical applications which require efficient separation and/or sorting of particles.

This PhD scholarship is funded by a Royal Society of New Zealand Marsden project titled “Mathematical modelling of inertial lift driven particle migration in complex microfluidic devices with applications to periodic duct geometries”. The successful applicant will work with Dr Brendan Harding and will contribute to the project by undertaking a thorough analysis of the fluid flow properties and particle migration dynamics within periodic device designs consisting of expanded and contracted regions of flow, also known as a “Vortex chip”. You will have an invaluable opportunity to develop your research skills in mathematical modelling, computational mathematics and dynamical systems.

The scholarship includes a generous stipend plus tuition fees and levies. Applicants are encouraged to contact Brendan Harding for further information about the project.


We are seeking a highly motivated person with an excellent academic record, a good understanding of applied mathematics and/or fluid mechanics and an interest in contributing to cutting-edge research on microfluidic phenomena. Applicants must:

  • have completed an Honours (1st class) and/or MSc degree in applied mathematics (or similar); and
  • satisfy the requirements for admission as a PhD candidate at Victoria University of Wellington (including the English language requirement).

Scientific computing skills is desired in one or more of Python, C/C++ or similar. The ideal candidate will have a minimum GPA of 8 on Victoria University of Wellington's 9-point scale.

Application process

Applications should initially be sent to Dr Brendan Harding (). Please include the following:

  • Cover letter expressing your interest in the project,
  • CV,
  • Copies of academic transcripts,
  • Names of two academic referees.

A copy of the applicants Honours or MSc thesis may be requested. Applications will be assessed on the basis of academic merit, a background which aligns well with the research project, and an expressed interest in the research area. After the initial screening process, candidates will then be invited to submit an application for admission to do a PhD at Victoria University of Wellington ( A candidate who has been deemed suitable for the project (by Dr Harding) and also satisfies the criteria for PhD admission (including the English language requirement) will receive the scholarship.

The position is available immediately and candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.

Engineering (12) Mathematics (25)

Funding Notes

Project: Funded via the Royal Society of New Zealand's Marsden Fund (23-VUW-062)

Harding B, Stokes YM, Bertozzi AL. Effect of inertial lift on a spherical particle suspended in flow through a curved duct. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2019;875:1-43. doi:10.1017/jfm.2019.323

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