PhD Studentship: Improvement of soft nanomaterials formulations through controlled particle diffusion and assembly

   Department of Materials Engineering

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  Dr I Martin-Fabiani, Dr G Bolognesi  No more applications being accepted  Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

About the Project

This PhD studentship is a unique opportunity to form part of a large international project led by Dr Martin-Fabiani to develop the next generation of paints and coatings by harnessing state-of-the-art colloid science. The studentship will be carried out within a world-class research environment and will offer you the possibility of collaborating with internationally leading project partners in the UK, France, and Spain, as well as liaising with industrial partners in the paint and coatings sector. Successful completion of this PhD project will provide you with excellent career prospects both in academia and industry.

Loughborough University is a top-ten rated university in England for research intensity (REF2014). In choosing Loughborough and its Department of Materials ( for your research, you’ll work alongside academics who are leaders in their field. You will benefit from comprehensive support and guidance from our Doctoral College, including tailored careers advice, to help you succeed in your research and future career.

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Project Detail:

The formulation of a wide range of soft materials (e.g. inks, adhesives, paints) share as their main ingredient colloidal polymer particles dispersed in a solvent, which provide cohesion to the final product and determine its internal architecture. Therefore, controlling how these particles diffuse in the solvent and assemble during drying is key to optimize the performance of a myriad of applications such as antibacterial coatings or seed coatings for crop protection. The aims of this project are: 1) To apply and optimise innovative strategies to control the diffusion and assembly of colloidal polymer particles using concentration gradients and pH; and 2) To develop new set-ups and tools to obtain insights into the mechanisms underneath these processes using microfluidics, fluorescence microscopy, and atomic force microscopy.

A successful PhD project will contribute to delivering impact by providing the scientific basis for the improvement of antibacterial coatings for hospitals and anti-soiling coatings for solar cells, which will enable the mitigation of healthcare-associated infections and increase renewable energy generation.

Entry requirements:

Applicants should have, or expect to achieve, at least a 2:1 Honours degree (or equivalent) in Physics, Materials Science, Physical Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, or a related subject. A relevant Master’s degree and/or experience in one or more of the following will be an advantage: colloid and interface science, fluorescence, microfluidics.

All applicants must meet the minimum English language requirements, available at:

Contact details:

Name: Dr Ignacio Martin-Fabiani
Email address: [Email Address Removed]
Telephone number: +44 (0)1509 228670

How to apply:

All applications should be made online at Under programme name, select ‘Materials’

Please quote reference number: MP-IMF-2005

Funding Notes

This is a fully funded 3-year PhD studentship and provides a tax-free stipend of £15,285 per annum for the duration of the studentship plus tuition fees at the UK/EU rate. International (non-EU) students may apply however the total value of the studentship will cover the International fee only.

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