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Dr. Przemysław Nogły, the recent laureate of the generous Dioscuri program financed by Max-Planck-Gesellschaft and the National Science Center (https://www.mpg.de/dioscuri), is looking for a Ph.D. student to work at the Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University, Poland. The group is currently moving from ETH Zurich (https://noglygroup.ethz.ch/).
The research topic is focused on the dynamics and mechanisms of activation in photoreceptor proteins. The methodology will involve a cutting-edge time-resolved serial X-ray crystallography and the experiments are an opportunity to travel to some of the world's five X-ray Free Electron Laser instruments. The obtained results will enable the creation of high-resolution "molecular movies" of proteins in action with exceptional insight into molecular mechanisms. As an example of ongoing research work, please see our recent publication: Mous et al. Science (2022) "Dynamics and mechanism of a light-driven chloride pump."
Please contact me directly before the end of June for additional funding opportunities; however, funding from a grant is also possible. The doctoral thesis will be carried out in a dynamic international team. The work will involve protein biochemistry, crystallography followed by data processing and analysis. Initial data in the offered project is already available.
If interested, please contact me directly and soon (along with your CV) to discuss details: [Email Address Removed]
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