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Storing hydrogen nanobubbles in liquid carriers to produce hydrogen nano-fuels offers significant benefits in terms of efficiency, safety and sustainability. Hydrogen nano-fuels have great potential to play a crucial role in the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon energy system.The stability and uniformity present major obstacles in nanobubble generation. Limited knowledge of nanobubble properties and bulk behaviour in various liquid carriers during the generation process makes it challenging to achieve uniform and stable nanobubbles.To address this challenge, this project will explore the impact of nano-fuel processing parameters on stability and uniformity by systematical design of experiments. Using data-driven models developed by machine/deep learning algorithms to predict the behaviour of hydrogen nanobubbles in liquid carriers.• This work will contribute towards the “emerging energy technologies” and “digital process engineering” research themes in the Department of Chemical Engineering.• This interdisciplinary work spans chemical engineering, data science and mechanical engineering disciplines.• This research will address complex global challenges related to both clean and sustainable energy and moving towards Industry 4.0. The aims of the research are aligned with the UK Industrial Strategy, UN SDG 7 (Clean and Affordable Energy) and UN SDG 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure").• Academic impact: The hybrid models, which combine first-principle models with data-driven models, will provide significant insights into the formation and stability of nanobubbles. This approach will contribute to bridge the gap in understanding of nanobubble generation mechanism and bulk behaviour, which will enable precise process control and optimization.• Industrial impact: This work will accelerate the industrialisation and digitalisation progression of hydrogen nanofuels manufacturing, positioning UK as a global leader in the new era of net zero. The methodologies and digital twin framework can be adopted by industrial practitioners for other gas-species nanobubble generation systems.• Social impact: This work will help address the socio-environmental challenges faced by human and communities by reducing the reliance on fossil fuels and environmental burdens. This work will have a significant impact on the transition towards a renewable, sustainable energy to meet net zero target.
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