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  Probe mechanisms underlying the maternal inheritance of mitochondrial DNA in Drosophila

   School of Biosciences

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  Dr Hansong Ma  No more applications being accepted  Funded PhD Project (UK Students Only)

About the Project

We seek a highly motivated PhD student to join our dynamic group investigating mitochondrial genetics and function ( in the School of Biosciences at the University of Birmingham. Mitochondria, the major provider of cellular energy, harbour their own genome known as mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). In contrast to the nuclear genome, which is inherited from both parents, mtDNA is inherited exclusively from the mother in nearly all animal species . This maternal inheritance is ensured by active processes that selectively eliminate paternal mitochondria and mtDNA (Sato et al., 2018). This project, which uses Drosophila as the model organism, is aimed to identify machinery that eliminates paternal mitochondrial genomes to guarantee the maternal inheritance of mtDNA by forward genetic approaches. The main tasks include fly pushing, tissue dissection, immunostaining and confocal imaging. The student will also perform biochemical assays such as Western blot and other experiments requiring basic molecular and genetic techniques, including DNA extraction, PCR, cloning and genotyping.

Applicants should have, or will soon have, a Bachelor's degree in biochemistry or molecular biology with a basic knowledge of mitochondrial biology. Previous experience in fly pushing and knowledge of fly genetics is a strong advantage. Experience with imaging and biochemical approaches would be desirable but not necessary. This position will be supervised by Prof Hansong Ma. Interested candidates please send her/his CV and the contact information of two referees to Prof Hansong Ma ([Email Address Removed]). 

Biological Sciences (4)

Funding Notes

The funding is available for three years from Oct 2023. It will cover both the tuition fee (at the home student rate) and stipend.

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