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  Project at University of Reading: Designing next-generation plant-dairy hybrid ingredients to support gut health and immunity

   FoodBioSystems DTP

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  Dr Restituto Tocmo, Dr Q Su, Dr A Wijeyesekera  No more applications being accepted  Competition Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

About the Project

Emerging evidence suggests that ‘hybrid’ or blended food matrices have the potential to introduce the next-generation of functional, healthy, and more sustainable food ingredients. Significant research efforts are underway to develop plant-dairy protein formulations with improved quality and ingredient performance, as well as functionalities accepted by consumers. However, there is a need to improve current understanding of the gastrointestinal fate of these novel ingredients, including their digestion, nutrient bioavailability, and health effects. There is growing evidence on the critical role of dietary protein in the maturation and development of innate and adaptive immune system, a function that is independent of their nutritional role. This project aims to provide basic insights into diet-immune cell interactions, which may have profound clinical relevance.

This project will explore the development of hybrid plant-dairy protein matrices that promote overall gut health through modulation of intestinal immunity, barrier integrity and gut microbiota function. Hybrid protein matrices will be optimised by blending hydrolysed plant protein concentrates with milk proteins. Plant protein concentrates contain other healthful components (e.g., dietary fibre and bioactive polyphenols), whereas milk proteins offer superior techno-functional and nutritional properties (e.g., high-quality protein, calcium). Therefore, the hybrid ingredient formulations to be developed are envisaged to not only provide high-quality protein nutrition, but also offer other health beneficial components such as dietary fibre, bioactive polyphenols, calcium, or bioactive peptides derived from milk proteins or those present in plant protein hydrolysates. We hypothesise that these hybrid plant-dairy matrices will have unique digestion and absorption profiles, and possess superior ability to promote a beneficial gut microbiota and modulate mucosal immune responses compared to either plant protein or milk protein alone.

This project will:

  • Design lab-scale prototypes of plant-dairy protein hybrid matrices.
  • Investigate the digestibility of these novel matrices using in vitro digestion methods. Prototypes developed will then be screened using in vitro systems (primary human immune and intestinal cells) to reveal mechanistic insights into their impact on immune responses and intestinal barrier integrity.
  • Conduct an in vivo study using an appropriate mouse model to evaluate the impact of selected protein hybrids on the development and maturation of intestinal immune system, as well as modulation of gut microbiota function.

Training opportunities: The student will be trained in dietary protein characterisation and ingredient functionality profiling, in vitro digestion studies, cell culture techniques, flow cytometry, liquid- and gas-chromatography, mass spectrometry, cellular biology techiques, and in vivo (mice) studies. Specific training in immunological and cellular biology techniques will be provided, including: isolation of primary immune cells (macrophages, dendritic cells, CD4+ T cells), multi-colour flow cytometry-based immune cell phenotyping, immunoassays (ELISA, cell proliferation), and immunofluorescence (confocal microscopy) to investigate intestinal barrier function. The student will gain training in designing and conducting an animal study and applying statistical techniques in handling datasets. There will be an opportunity for a funded 3-month placement at Ingredion Inc (USA), where the student will train within the R&D and Analytical Characterization and Texture Science programs of the company.

Project supervision plan: The lead supervisor will meet with the student during regular 1-to-1 meetings throughout the training program. The student will also meet the supervisory team (lead supervisor and co-supervisors) in separate meetings. The student will also be provided 1-to-1 supervision and mentoring by co-supervisors during their visit to the co-spervisor’s lab at Queen’s University Belfast and during the placement at Ingredion in New Jersey, USA.

Student profile: We seek students with a background in immunology, biochemistry (metabolism), microbiology, nutrition, food science, or a closely related subject. This project would be suitable for a student with an interest in in vitro (cell culture) and in vivo (animal studies) approaches for understanding the impact of diet on host health through modulation of immune responses and gut microbiota. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of this program, we do not expect the successful candidate to have knowledge and experience in all relevant areas. Full support and training will be provided.

How to Apply: Applications will be by an online application form only. Do not send CVs. Please go to the FoodBioSystems website to see guidance to applicants, information on academic and funding eligibility and language proficiency.

Equality Diversity and Inclusion: The FoodBioSystems DTP is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion. Our actions to promote diversity and inclusion are detailed on the FoodBioSystems DTP website and include: Offering reasonable adjustments at interview for shortlisted candidates who have disclosed a disability or specific learning difference; Guaranteed interview and applicant mentoring schemes for applicants, with UK home fees status, from eligible under-represented ethnic groups. These are opt-in processes

Biological Sciences (4) Food Sciences (15) Medicine (26)

Funding Notes

Stipend (Salary): FoodBioSystems DTP students receive an annual tax free stipend (salary) that is paid in instalments throughout the year. For 2024/25 this is £19,237 and it will increase slightly each year at rate set by UKRI.

Visit the FoodBioSystems website for more information.

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