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  Real-time online monitoring of polymerisation reactions by high resolution FlowNMR

   Institute of Sustainability and Climate Change

  , ,  Sunday, January 26, 2025  Competition Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

About the Project

The University of Bath Institute of Sustainability and Climate Change invites applications for the following PhD project which is part of a joint PhD programme between the University of Bath and Monash University in Australia. 

This project is one of a number that are in competition for up to four funded studentships. 

 Home institution: University of Bath

Supervisor(s) at Bath: Dr Maciek Kopeć, Dr Ulrich Hintermair

Supervisor(s) at Monash: Prof Tanja Junkers

The main challenges of modern polymer chemistry are to develop sustainable replacements of commodity plastics as well as functional materials for specialty applications in nanotechnology, energy conversion/storage and biomedicine. However, sustainable synthesis of polymeric materials in a fast and reproducible fashion will require new protocols and reaction design enabling efficient automation of future manufacturing processes. In this project we will conduct fundamental studies on the synthesis of various polymer architectures (such linear, branched, stars or brushes) and compositions (i.e. statistical, block or gradient copolymers) using online reaction monitoring in real time. The integrated multi-technique setup at the Dynamic Reaction Monitoring (DReaM) Facility at the University of Bath will allow to precisely follow polymerisations.1, 2 Our previous work at the DReaM facility resulted in the proof-of-concept data on monitoring of controlled radical polymerisations such asreversible addition fragmentation transfer (RAFT) and atom transfer radical polymerisation (ATRP), both in terms of monomer conversion (by 1H NMR in flow) and molecular weight evolution (by FlowDOSY). 3-6 In this project, we will combine advanced high-resolution FlowNMR techniques (1D, 2D, homo-nuclear decoupling, diffusion measurements, etc.) with online mass spectrometry and triple-detection online size exclusion chromatography (SEC/GPC) to gain insights into the formation of complex polymer architectures in real time. We will use different synthetic methodologies, such as conventional and controlled radical polymerisation of vinyl monomers, ring-opening polymerisation, as well as step-growth polymerisation, to establish FlowNMR as a general tool for polymerisation reaction monitoring, with a particular focus on renewable monomers (e.g. lactide, glycolide).7 From the Monash side, the continuous flow process for the reactions will be developed and followed up. Online monitoring is an ideal tool for flow polymerisations as it allows to include machine-learning algorithms to create self-optimizing routines and greatly accelerate the targeted screening of reactions. Such an automated approach will both broaden our fundamental understanding of polymerisation reactions and enable sustainable protocols for the synthesis of well-defined polymers.8-9 Further, we will investigate molecular weight calibrations via DOSY in more detail, to study the effect of polymer composition, homogeneity and topology on the obtained viscosity-corrected calibration data. This will provide further insights into developing DOSY as a reliable and accessible molecular weight determination tool.6,10

Project keywords: analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, polymer chemistry, synthetic chemistry, chemical engineering, polymers

To apply:

We invite applications from Science and Engineering graduates who have, or expect to obtain, a first or upper second class degree and have a strong interest in Sustainable & Circular Technologies. 

You need to express an interest in three projects in order of preference. 

Please submit your application to the Home institution of your preferred project. You should note, however, that you are applying for a joint PhD programme and applications will be processed as such.

If this is your preferred project, apply using the relevant Bath online application form.


When completing the application form, please:

1.      In the Funding your studies section, select ‘Bath-Monash Studentship’ as the studentship for which you are applying.

2.      In the Your PhD project section, quote the project title of this project and the name of the lead supervisor in the appropriate boxes. 

More information on applying to Bath may be found here.

If the Home institution of your preferred project is Monash, apply here.

Enquiries about the application process should be sent to .

Chemistry (6) Engineering (12) Materials Science (24)

Funding Notes

Bath Monash PhD studentships include tuition fee sponsorship and a living allowance (stipend) for up to 42 months maximum. Non-Australian nationals studying in Australia will be required to pay their own Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).


1. A. M. R. Hall, J. C. Chouler, A. Codina, P. T. Gierth, J. P. Lowe and U. Hintermair, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2016, 6, 84061; 2. A. M. R. Hall, J. C. Chouler, A. Codina, P. T. Gierth, J. P. Lowe and U. Hintermair, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2016, 6, 8406 2. 3. J. H. Vrijsen, I. A. Thomlinson, M. E. Levere, C. L. Lyall, M. G. Davidson, U. Hintermair and T. Junkers, Polym. Chem. 2020, 11, 3546; 4. U. Hintermair, M. Kopec, et al. unpublished results 5. I.A. Thomlinson, PhD Thesis 6. Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 8242 7. P.-J. Voorter, A. McKay, J. Dai, O. Paravagna, N. R. Cameron and T. Junkers, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2022, 61, e202114536; 8. M. Rubens; J. V. Herck; T. Junkers, ACS Macro Lett. 2019, 8, 1437; 9. J. V. Herck, I. Abeysekera, A.-L. Buckinx, K. Cai, J. Hooker, K. Thakur, E. V. de Reydt, P.-J. Voorter, D. Wyers and T. Junkers, Digit. Discov., 2022, 1, 519. 10 I. W. F. da Silva, A. I. McKay, A. Sokolova, T. Junkers, Polym. Chem., 2024, 15, 1303-1309.

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