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USP17 is over-expressed in a range of primary tumours including NSCLC, breast, colorectal, cervical, ovarian and osteosarcoma and its depletion has been shown to block the growth of cells from all these cancer types, as well as the migration of a range of cancer cells (NSCLC, breast, ovarian, osteosarcoma).
We have been working to further elucidate the function of USP17 to help us understand how targeting this deubiquitinating enzyme would impact cancer cells. We have shown that depleting USP17 blocks the proper localisation of CaaX proteins such as the GTPases, H/N-Ras, Rho, Rac1, and Cdc42. In addition, we have demonstrated this is mediated via USP17 regulating a novel isoform of Ras converting enzyme (RCE) 1, which is involved in the processing of CaaX proteins. USP17 appears to facilitate the trafficking of RCE1 isoform 2 away from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) indicating it may be involved in trafficking RCE1 isoform 2, and possibly CaaX proteins. Therefore, this project will further investigate the role of USP17 in RCE1 isoform 2 regulation, and how this contributes to its role in cancer cells.
The student will be part of a cross-disciplinary team based in the School of Pharmacy with Dr Burrows. The student will have the opportunity to learn a broad range of molecular and cell biology techniques. This project will also allow the student to gain skills in written and verbal scientific presentation skills.
Applicants should have a 1st or 2.1 honours degree (or equivalent) in a relevant subject. Relevant subjects include Pharmacy, Molecular Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biochemistry, Biological/Biomedical Sciences, or a closely related discipline. Students who have a 2.2 honours degree and a Master’s degree may also be considered, but the School reserves the right to shortlist for interview only those applicants who have demonstrated high academic attainment to date.
Postgraduate Research applicants must have applied to Queen’s, via the Direct Applications Portal.
The student will have the opportunity to learn a range of molecular biology, protein biochemistry and cell biology related techniques as well as developing transferable skills such as written and verbal scientific presentation skills.
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