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How bacterial pathogens enter and colonise plant via wounds?
Wounding of plants by hard wind, hail, heavy rain, sand storms, and frost is common in nature. Many plant pathogens take advantage of this opportunity to infect plants. Thus, it is crucial to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in wound entry to prevent disease outbreaks. Despite its importance, these mechanisms remain poorly investigated.
Using the model bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae, we aim to understand the dynamics of wound entry and colonization in the model plant Nicotiana benthamiana. Luminescent tagged bacteria will be inoculated onto wounded leaf tissues, enabling observation of their movement and potential accumulation around wounded sites. This project incorporates chemical treatments and employs phytopathology, biochemistry, and a forward genetic approach to investigate the ability of bacterial leaf pathogens to colonize leaf tissue from wounded sites.
The outcomes of this study are highly pertinent to plant pathology, providing insights for the development of sustainable crop protection strategies and addressing global concerns regarding agricultural productivity and food security.
How to apply
Before applying, please read carefully the information on the prospectus Biological Sciences | Study at Bristol | University of Bristol and make sure you have all the documents listed in the Entry Requirements – Admissions Statement and English Language Requirements.
To apply, follow the link Start your application | Study at Bristol | University of Bristol and select the programme “Biological Sciences (PhD)”.
If you have questions about the project, please contact Dr Pierre Buscaill at pierre.buscaill@bristol.ac.uk
Dr Pierre Buscaill - Our People (bristol.ac.uk)
If you require assistance with your application, please email fls-pgenquiries@bristol.ac.uk
Research output data provided by the Research Excellence Framework (REF)
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