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  Spatial Effects in High-Power Fibre Lasers and Amplifiers

   Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

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  Dr Peter Horak  Applications accepted all year round  Competition Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

About the Project

Supervisory Team: Dr Peter Horak, Prof Michalis Zervas 

Project Description

This project will exploit computer simulations to investigate the dynamics of the generation of light in such large, few-mode or multimode, optical fibres. 

We are looking for a PhD student to join our vibrant team of students, postdocs, and senior researchers developing the next generation of high-power fibre lasers. The project is part of a major new initiative funded by the UK Research Council at the Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, that combines new fibre technology with state-of-the-art control mechanisms, including machine learning, to reach unprecedented laser powers with full control over the beam shape. 

As fibre lasers get more and more powerful, the fibre core size must increase to minimise optical nonlinearities and avoid material damage. This adds spatial degrees of freedom to the laser beam that have to be controlled in order to obtain a clean, well-behaved laser output. We will analyse the dynamics of the spatial light profile and its dependence on the gain medium, fibre losses, optical nonlinearities, chromatic dispersion, and thermal and acoustic effects. These numerical and theoretical investigations will be performed in close collaboration with corresponding high-power laser experiments in our labs and at our industrial partners. 

If you have an interest in computational physics and research in the exciting area of high-power lasers, you would be highly suitable for this project. You will benefit from our world-leading expertise in these fields and exploit state-of-the-art computer hardware for your research on a PhD project which is highly relevant for the future development of the next generation of fibre lasers and their applications in, for example, advanced digital manufacturing and medical surgery. 

Find out more about:

Our department and research group:

The PhD programme: 

If you wish to discuss any details of the project informally, please contact Dr Peter Horak, email: [Email Address Removed] 

Entry Requirements

A very good undergraduate degree (at least a UK 2:1 honours degree, or its international equivalent) in physics or a closely related discipline.

How To Apply

Apply online: Search for a Postgraduate Programme of Study ( Select programme type (Research), Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, next page select “PhD ORC”. In Section 2 of the application form you should insert the name of the supervisor. 

Applications should include:

Personal Statement

Curriculum Vitae

Two academic reference letters

Degree Transcripts and Certificates to date 

For further information please contact: [Email Address Removed]

Physics (29)

Funding Notes

For UK students, tuition fees and a stipend at the UKRI rate plus a £2,000 ORC enhancement, tax-free, per annum for up to 3.5 years (totalling £21,237 for 2024/25, rising annually).

EU and Horizon Europe students are eligible for scholarships.

CSC students are eligible for fee waivers.

Funding for other international applicants is very limited and highly competitive. Overseas students who have secured or are seeking external funding are welcome to apply.


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