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Supervisory Team: Gilberto Brambilla, Martynas Beresna, Timothy Lee
Project description
Most of our digital data is coming via an optical fibre in form of short optical pulses. University of Southampton is one of pioneering institutions in optical fibre development.
But are optical fibre limited to optical domain?
Terahertz waves sit between infrared and microwave bands. This is fascinating region where optics meets with radio-technology. Its unique properties offer new solutions for medical imaging, security checks and data transfer. Next wireless communication standard 6G will heavily rely on terahertz technology enabling higher bandwidth and greater data transmission rates.
This PhD project is looking to explore forefront science in optical fibre development and adapt for terahertz spectral region. Fibre technology will enable to implement solutions across multiple disciplines. Conventional materials prove challenging in operation at terahertz frequencies. However, new type of fibres which allow to confine and guide light in empty space are highly promising solution. You will embark on development of hollow-core fibres capable of guiding terahertz wavelengths. On your way you will learn how to design, fabricate and characterize optical fibres. You will have chance to work in multi-disciplinary team and develop wide range of skills including electronic and mechanical engineering, software development and photonics.
The research work will be carried out in close collaboration with National Physical Laboratory (NPL) leading research institution in terahertz technologies.
If you wish to discuss any details of the project informally, please contact Prof. Gilberto Brambilla Research Group, Email: [Email Address Removed].
Entry Requirements
A very good undergraduate degree (at least a UK 2:1 honours degree, or its international equivalent).
Closing date
Applications are accepted throughout the year. The start date will typically be late September, but other dates are possible.
For UK students, tuition fees and a stipend at the UKRI rate plus £2,000 ORC enhancement tax-free per annum for up to 3.5 years (totalling around £21,000 for 2024/25, rising annually). EU and Horizon Europe students are eligible for scholarships. CSC students are eligible for fee waivers. Funding for other international applicants is very limited and highly competitive. Overseas students who have secured or are seeking external funding are welcome to apply.
How To Apply
Apply online: Search for a Postgraduate Programme of Study (soton.ac.uk). Select programme type (Research), Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, next page select “PhD ORC”. In Section 2 of the application form you should insert the name of the supervisor.
Applications should include:
Curriculum Vitae
Two reference letters
Degree Transcripts/Certificates to date
For further information please contact: [Email Address Removed]
The School of Zepler Institute is committed to promoting equality, diversity inclusivity as demonstrated by our Athena SWAN award. We welcome all applicants regardless of their gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or age, and will give full consideration to applicants seeking flexible working patterns and those who have taken a career break. The University has a generous maternity policy, onsite childcare facilities, and offers a range of benefits to help ensure employees’ well-being and work-life balance. The University of Southampton is committed to sustainability and has been awarded the Platinum EcoAward.
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