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  The industrial contexts of horror cinema (ADSS/DRFMED7P/61873)

   Department of Media and Communication Design

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  Dr J Walker  No more applications being accepted  Competition Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

About the Project

The horror genre has proved one of cinema’s most durable and sometimes most controversial areas of production. While the genre has attracted considerable critical interest, our understanding of its industrial nature remains under-developed. This PhD studentship builds upon the extensive research into horror and exploitation cinema already undertaken at Northumbria University. We are particularly interested in proposals that explore the production, distribution and reception contexts of horror films and, more generally, the position of the horror genre within film industries.

Possible general topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
National and transnational horror cinemas
Cycles of horror production
Horror remakes and sequels
Horror and technologies
Audiences for horror cinema
Marketing of horror films
The relation of horror cinema to other media
Horror production and distribution companies

We welcome proposals based in any historical period of horror production or in any national or international context that engage with horror’s industrial qualities.

The studentship is based in the Department of Media and Communication Design, which is home to a number of internationally recognised and widely published horror cinema experts. It also houses the Popular Film and Television Archive, which includes film-related items ranging from trade magazines and production notes to promotional materials. The successful candidate will have full access to this material.

Enquiries regarding this studentship should be made to: Dr Johnny Walker, [Email Address Removed], 0191 227 3920

For further details of how to apply, entry requirements and the application form, see
Please ensure you quote the advert reference above on your application form.

Funding Notes

The full-time studentship provides full support for tuition fees, and an annual tax-free stipend at RCUK rates (for 2015/16 this is £14,057 p.a.)


Contemporary British Horror Cinema: Industry, Genre and Society (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2015)

‘Low budgets, no budgets and Digital Video nasties: Recent British horror and informal distribution', in Nowell, R. (ed.) Merchants of Menace: The Business of Horror Cinema (London & New York: Bloomsbury, 2014).