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  The molecular simulation approach to facilitate the fight against 'superbugs'


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  Prof Syma Khalid  Applications accepted all year round  Funded PhD Project (European/UK Students Only)

About the Project

TMCS is an EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training operated by the Universities of Oxford, Bristol and Southampton.

In year one you will be based in Oxford with a cohort of around 12–15 other TMCS students, and will receive in-depth training in fundamental theory, software development, and chemical applications, delivered by academics from all three Universities. Successful completion of the year-one program leads to the award of an Oxford MSc, and progression to the 3-year PhD project based in Southampton, and detailed below.

The molecular simulation approach to facilitate the fight against 'superbugs'

The development of bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a major problem for modern healthcare. A recent World Health Organization report stated: “resistance to common bacteria has reached alarming levels in many parts of the world and that in some settings, few, if any, of the available treatment options remain effective for common infections”. In other words the number of antibiotics that are still effective is quickly diminishing- new antibiotics are therefore urgently needed.

To design novel, effective and efficient antibiotics, it is imperative that we ask: (i) how do existing antibiotics work? (ii) How can we weaken the membranes that protect bacteria?

As a step towards addressing these questions, in this project we aim to simulate the process of antibacterial permeation through realistic models of bacterial membranes. Crucially, we shall adopt a multiscale approach in which fine-grained (atomistic-level) simulations will be used to study specific interactions, and a more coarse-grain approach will be used to study larger, morphological behaviour. This project builds on our world-leading expertise in molecular modelling and simulation of bacterial membranes.

How to apply:
Please make an online application for this PhD position at

Candidate requirements:
UK or EU citizen fully funded
Successful applicants to TMCS typically hold a first class honours degree (or equivalent) in Chemistry or a closely related discipline.

Project queries: Dr Syma Khalid, [Email Address Removed]
TMCS queries: [Email Address Removed]

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