The relationship between nutrition, metabolism, cognitive function, mental health, and the gut-brain axis

   School of Psychology & Clinical Language Sciences

   Applications accepted all year round  Self-Funded PhD Students Only

About the Project

I invite applications to () for self-funded students for PhD proposals in an area relating to nutrition, metabolism, cognitive function, mental health and the gut-brain axis. For example, I am interested in the cognitive and mental health effects of various nutritional interventions including fruit and vegetable-rich diets, specific food groups such a polyphenol-rich foods and the relationship between glucose metabolism and cognition. I also have an interest in the role of metabolic disorders such as diabetes and cognitive function and the impact of dietary interventions on this relationship. Finally, I am also interested in exploring interventions which may impact cognition and mental health via the gut-brain axis, e.g. pre and probiotics. There may be an opportunity to collaborate with the department of Nutritional Sciences, depending on the nature of the proposal. Please provide a 1-2 page proposal relating to the nature of the research you would like to undertake.

Psychology (31)


minimum 2.1 at degree level

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