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Physical frailty is a result of hallmarks of aging, where gut microbiome (GM) dysbiosis and dietary pattern play a significant role.
Our team investigates the biological mechanisms underpinning the hallmarks of aging, including nutrition and nutrition metabolomics, exercise physiology, muscle metabolism and cell energy.
Clinical Studies: We have strong collaboration with local NHS partners to conduct comprehensive studies encompassing both clinical and biological outcomes. These investigations cover diverse parameters, ranging from body composition, physical examinations for muscle function, lifestyle questionnaires, and collection plasma and fecal sample. We are able to use advanced technologies at Liverpool to perform metabolic, proteomic, and genomic analysis. This allows for a more in-depth exploration and understanding the biological role of metabolomics, gut microbiomes, and interplay between gut, muscle axis. Currently we have a particular focus on heart failure, frailty, sarcopenia and diabetes.
Laboratory-based experiment: Our team works on both in vitro and in vivo models using both human and mice cell lines to investigate the effects of nutrients, gut metabolites, and samples collected form human intervention (example exercise). Our objectives include assessing acute effect of acetate on proliferation, differentiation, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and mitochondrial activities.
Training: Candidates will receive training on omic approaches, data analysis, and laboratory experiments.
Application is via CV and Cover letter to Dr Masoud Isanejad (m.isanejad@liverpool.ac.uk).
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