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  The role of smart phone data and travel information to improve travel planning and sustainability

   School of Computing, Engineering & the Built Environment

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  Prof Wafaa Saleh, Prof A Al-Dubai  Applications accepted all year round  Self-Funded PhD Students Only

About the Project

Mobile phones have had an intense impact on travel behaviour and the way people make travel decisions. They have become a critical tool for travelers’ decisions on how to plan and carry out their travel activities.

Many aspects of journey planning, obtaining real-time of private and public transportation networks, traffic conditions and navigation software are currently available and accessible using mobile phones. This information can greatly help in forming travel behvaiour decisions. Moreover, mobile applications permit travelers access to book online travel options such as trains, taxis, planes and other options of travel. Mobile apps use many sources of information and data including AI to offer personalized travel suggestions and information about many choices.

The aim of this research is to investigate how mobile apps can be utilised to assess and design better travel options using the smart travel options that have become a reality over the last decade or so, in order to provide integrated planning tools for many modes of transportation, including buses, subways, taxis, and bike-sharing, encouraging travelers to use more sustainable and efficient transportation options.

Academic qualifications

A first-class honours degree, or a distinction at master level, or equivalent achievements in Engineering or a relevant subject. 

English language requirement

If your first language is not English, comply with the University requirements for research degree programmes in terms of English language.

Application process

Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact the supervisor, Professor Wafaa Saleh ([Email Address Removed]) to discuss the content of the project and the fit with their qualifications and skills before preparing an application. 

The application must include: 

Research project outline of 2 pages (list of references excluded). The outline may provide details about

  • Background and motivation, explaining the importance of the project, should be supported also by relevant literature. You can also discuss the applications you expect for the project results.
  • Research questions or
  • Methodology: types of data to be used, approach to data collection, and data analysis methods.
  • List of references

The outline must be created solely by the applicant. Supervisors can only offer general discussions about the project idea without providing any additional support.

  • Statement no longer than 1 page describing your motivations and fit with the project.
  • Recent and complete curriculum vitae. The curriculum must include a declaration regarding the English language qualifications of the candidate.
  • Supporting documents will have to be submitted by successful candidates.
  • Two academic references (but if you have been out of education for more than three years, you may submit one academic and one professional reference), on the form can be downloaded here.

Applications can be submitted here.

Download a copy of the project details here.

Engineering (12)


[1] Zhang, J., & Shen, Z. (2019). The Impacts of Mobile Phones on Travel Behavior: A Review of the Literature. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 3, 100077. DOI.
[2] Wang, D., Park, S., & Fesenmaier, D. R. (2012). The Role of Smartphones in Mediating the Touristic Experience. Journal of Travel Research, 51(4), 371-387. DOI.
[3] Gretzel, U., Sigala, M., Xiang, Z., & Koo, C. (2015). Smart Tourism: Foundations and Developments. Electronic Markets, 25(3), 179-188. DOI
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