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  Towards 3D-printing of self-assembled insect-mimetic acoustic structures

   Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry

  , Prof James Windmill  Applications accepted all year round  Funded PhD Project (UK Students Only)

About the Project


We are seeking excellent candidates for 4-yr PhD and 5-yr masters+PhD scholarships to pursue an exciting interdisciplinary project that will pioneer novel materials enabled by self-assembly and 3D printing with multiple length-scales of complexity to better mimic the functional structures of insect hearing. 5-yr masters+PhD scholarships are targeted at students from traditionally underrepresented and minority groups. Candidates fromall backgrounds, identities, and experiences are encouraged to apply.

The project will pursue a novel “top-down” and “bottom-up” hybrid approach to the creation of biomimetic materials. This will be enabled by recent developments in biocatalytic peptide self-assembly and enzyme immobilization for nanoscale structures and gradients in the Lau group (, based in Pure and Applied Chemistry (, and in 3D printing and characterization of insect-mimetic acoustic membranes in the Windmill group (, based in Electronic and Electrical Engineering.

The successful applicant will join our new interdisciplinary Leverhulme Doctoral School in Nature-Inspired Acoustics (NIA) (, and will further engage in the interdisciplinary research planning and forecasting skills development of our new School together with others in architecture and management sciences. The project’s basic science results will help tackle challenges in advanced acoustics technology and help develop applications for managing the sustainability of our infrastructure and energy future.

Candidate profile:

Successful 4-yr PhD applicants are expected to hold or anticipate holding a bachelor’s or (preferably) masters degree at a level equivalent to a UK 2:1 or higher, in a relevant discipline, including but not limited to chemistry, materials science and engineering, molecular biosciences, biophysics, and device engineering. They should further demonstrate experience in some or all of the following skills: synthetic chemical procedures, chemical and materials characterization, and data analysis based on chemical, biophysical, biochemical, and/or engineering principles.

5-yr masters+PhD scholarships are only available to students eligible for a UK home fees. Candidates may hold bachelors or masters degrees from diverse disciplines with a 2:1 or higher classification, but must demonstrate understanding of the scientific method and successful completion of some project work (preferably, but not necessarily, in science or engineering).

All applicants should demonstrate interest in one or more of the following areas: materials chemistry, bioinspired materials, chemical synthesis and purification, molecular biosciences, and electrical and electronic engineering.

They should also demonstrate excellent communication skills, time management, proficiency in technical writing, and aptitude in working collaboratively.


Applicants should first complete our cover letter template and send it with a detailed CV to . See full details of the 2-stage application procedure at

Chemistry (6) Engineering (12)


“Toward a Bio-Inspired Acoustic Sensor: Achroia grisella’s Ear”, IEEE Sensors Journal, 22, 17746 (2022).
“Fabrication and Characterization of 3D Printed Thin Plates for Acoustic Metamaterials Applications”, IEEE
Sensors Journal, 19, 10365 (2019).
“Biocatalytic Self-Assembly on Magnetic Nanoparticles”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 10, 3069 (2018).
"Biocatalytic self-assembly using reversible and irreversible enzyme immobilization", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 9, 3266 (2017).

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