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  Training emotional competency in the workplace: Does ‘one size’ really ‘fit all’?

   Research School

   Applications accepted all year round  Self-Funded PhD Students Only

About the Project

As a core focus for organisational Equality Diversity & Inclusion policies, the current drive to train emotional skills in the workplace shows no signs of abating. For instance, emotional intelligence has experienced a recent resurgence in popularity, being advocated as a way for organisations to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through employee training (see e.g., United Nations, n.d.).

In addition, various social and emotional interventions that require emotional competencies (and elicit emotional responses), such as ‘perspective taking’ or sensitivity training, are encouraged as good organisational practice (Gifford et al., 2019). So far, research has focussed on evaluating the efficacy of such training at a universal level and has neglected the experiences of groups of individuals who may have different needs that are not best served by such ‘off the peg’ programmes. Indeed, in other settings, such as schools, and clinics, participation in psychosocial interventions has been associated with iatrogenic effects (Foulkes & Stringaris, 2023; Moos, 2012).

Through a multi-phase programme of research, this PhD will examine the scope of these practices within organisations across the UK, and the experiences of employees who are charged with

Application Process

To begin the application process please go to: and click on ‘How to Apply’ in the top menu. This PhD could be caried out on a part time or full time basis so please select the relevant application link. On the application form, please make it clear that you are applying for one of our advertised projects so we can direct it straight to the relevant people.

The Interview

All successful applicants will be offered an interview with the proposed Supervisory Team. You will be contacted by a member of the Research School Team to find a suitable date. Interviews can be conducted in person or over Microsoft Teams.

Funding your PhD

For information about Doctoral Loans please visit:

During your PhD you can access the Research Student Support Scheme to support dissemination costs associated with your research, up to £500 a year.

Research Group

Interpersonal Relationships & Wellbeing Research Group

The Interpersonal Relationships and Wellbeing Research Group draws together internationally renowned academics from across Psychology, Business and Criminology, with partners in Industry, third sector organisations and local government. Research activity is organised around four themes: Wellbeing for Life; Customer Interactions; People and Work; and Trauma and Violence Prevention.

We study interpersonal relationships, wellbeing and their inter-connectivity from an inter-disciplinary perspective, to generate applied, solution-focussed research. Our research explores how individual, social and environmental factors influence relationships and wellbeing within different contexts, such as in workplaces, schools and online spaces. We are interested in understanding how interpersonal relationships contribute to mental health (construed as both trauma/mental ill-health, and as wellbeing) and how they shape individual and team behaviour in consumer and organizational settings. In doing so, we explore both the ‘dark’ and ‘light’ side of relationships and human behaviour more broadly.

Widening Participation

As part of its mission statement the University is committed to widening participation for its higher degrees. Although most candidates will have an undergraduate and/or a Masters degree, the University is happy to accept applications from candidates with relevant professional qualifications and work related experience.

Supervisory team

Dr Sarah Davis, Dr Blaire Morgan, Prof Lynn Nichol

Director of Studies:

Dr Sarah Davis (Principal Lecturer in Psychology) Interpersonal Relationships and Wellbeing Research Group, School of Psychology, University of Worcester


Dr Blaire Morgan (Senior Lecturer in Psychology) Interpersonal Relationships and Wellbeing Research Group, School of Psychology, University of Worcester

Prof Lynn Nichol, Interpersonal Relationships and Wellbeing Research Group, Worcester Business School, University of Worcester.

Research Group: Interpersonal Relationships and Wellbeing Research Group

For further information or an informal discussion on this project, please contact Dr Sarah Davis (Director of Studies) via email at

Applications can be made at:

Psychology (31)


Foulkes, L., & Stringaris, A. (2023). Do no harm: can school mental health interventions cause iatrogenic harm?. BJPsych bulletin, 1–3. Advance online publication.
Gifford, J., Green, M., Young, J., & Urwin, P. (2019). Diversity management that works: An evidence-based view. In Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Retrieved April 2, 2023, from
Moos, R. H. (2012). Iatrogenic effects of psychosocial interventions: Treatment, life context, and personal risk factors. Substance Use & Misuse, 47(13-14), 1592-1598.
United Nations. (n.d.). The 17 Goals | Sustainable Development.
United Nations. (n.d.). Unlocking your Emotions to Achieve the SDGs: Emotional Intelligence | United Nations.

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