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Project overview
Minerals play a pivotal role in shaping Earth's biogeochemical cycles, exerting control over the mobility, speciation and (bio)availability of key nutrients, pollutants and technology-critical elements. As such, biogeochemical cycles are strongly influenced by mineral transformation processes, including dissolution, precipitation, and recrystallization, resulting from a range of biotic and abiotic processes in the environment. The complex nature of environmental systems presents significant challenges to unravelling the impact mineral transformation pathways have on biogeochemical cycles. This project aims to investigate the role of biomolecules, which are ubiquitous in soils and contain a significant fraction of key soil nutrients, in controlling mineral transformations and associated biogeochemical cycling.
Project objectives
Training provided
The successful applicant will join a welcoming, vibrant group of researchers working across themes in environmental chemistry, microbiology and environmental radioactivity research. We will deliver extensive training in mineral synthesis, quantitative laboratory measurements/characterization techniques and state-of-the-art fundamental analysis (e.g. X-ray absorption spectroscopy, electron microscopy, nucleic acid analysis). More widely, the researcher will gain extensive training in project planning, communication, networking and outreach which will be augmented by their interaction with the Manchester Doctoral College.
Entry requirements
Applicants are expected to hold, or about to obtain, a minimum 2:1 undergraduate degree (or equivalent) in Chemistry, Environmental Science, Geosciences, Biochemistry or a related discipline. A Master’s degree in a relevant subject is desirable but not necessary. Some direct experience of one of the following would be advantageous: mineralogy, geochemistry, or nucleic acid synthesis/analysis.
Before you apply
To begin an application, please email your CV to [Email Address Removed] and [Email Address Removed].
How to apply
To make an initial application, please send a CV to the project supervisor via email to: [Email Address Removed]
Equality, diversity and inclusion is fundamental to the success of The University of Manchester, and is at the heart of all of our activities. We know that diversity strengthens our research community, leading to enhanced research creativity, productivity and quality, and societal and economic impact. We actively encourage applicants from diverse career paths and backgrounds and from all sections of the community, regardless of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation and transgender status.
This is a fully funded PhD project for which, if you are successful in your application, you would receive a monthly stipend, have the university fees paid for, and be awarded some money to support lab costs and travel. The tax free stipend is set at the UKRI rate (£19,237 for 2024/25). The position is open until filled with a flexible start date.
Research output data provided by the Research Excellence Framework (REF)
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