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  Understanding Irradiation Stability of Ti(CON) Precipitates in Vanadium Alloys

   School of Metallurgy & Materials

   Applications accepted all year round  Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

About the Project

Supervision and International Collaborations: You will be based at the University of Birmingham and will be co-supervised by the industrial partner Tokamak Energy Ltd. ( This project will involve multi-national collaborators, and so you will have a unique opportunity to work with renowned industrial experts and with world-recognized institutes such as Oak Ridge National Lab, University of Tennessee, University of Michigan in the US, and University of Paris-Saclay in France. You will work in a diverse, inclusive, friendly and collaborative environment that nurtures excellence and innovation. You will be given proper mentorship to develop transferable skills so that you have a successful post-PhD career.


Successful fusion energy demonstration depends upon availability of high-performance materials that can withstand the harsh fusion operating conditions. These include a simultaneous presence of elevated temperatures, high neutron doses, corrosive liquids and thermo-mechanical stresses including very high magnetic fields. For fusion first-wall/blanket concepts utilizing liquid lithium, vanadium (V) alloys based on V-Cr-Ti ternary system are regarded worldwide as the leading candidates. This is because V alloys have excellent compatibility with liquid lithium. Further, V alloys have other desirable properties such as non-ferromagnetic nature, high thermal conductivity, low thermal expansion coefficient, low activation, and good high-temperature creep strength up to 700-750 °C. Advanced V alloy variants derive their high temperature creep strength by titanium oxy-carbonitride (Ti-CON) nanoprecipitation under thermal ageing. The susceptibility of thermally formed Ti-CON particles to irradiation is currently unknown – which is essential to be quantified to predict V alloy’s performance. Further, Ti-CON phase may also form under irradiation, well below the temperatures needed for thermal ageing. While Ti-CON produced by thermal ageing is beneficial to high-temperature properties, Ti-CON due to irradiation is deleterious because it is attributed to severe irradiation embrittlement. A key missing gap is understanding of the mechanisms that control Ti-CON precipitation in V alloys under combined presence of high temperature and fusion-relevant irradiation conditions, which is what this study aims to establish.

The Project:

This study will evaluate the Ti-CON nanoprecipitation phenomenon in V-Cr-Ti alloys using irradiation experiments over a wide range of temperatures and advanced microstructure characterization. Two specific questions to be studied are:

(i) Understanding the mechanisms of radiation-induced precipitation (RIP) of Ti-CON in V-Cr-Ti alloys.

(ii) Understanding the susceptibility of pre-existing Ti-CON nanoprecipitates in V-Cr-Ti alloys to irradiation-induced degradation, such as ballistic dissolution.

The specific material to be studied is V-4%Cr-4%Ti, a composition previously down-selected by the U.S. Fusion Materials programme.

Who we are looking for:

A first or upper-second-class degree in an appropriate discipline: materials science and engineering, nuclear/chemical/mechanical/aerospace engineering, physics, plasma-physics, condensed-matter physics. No prior experience is mandatory. Some exposure to microstructural characterisation, fission/fusion basics would be advantageous.

A self-motivated, inquisitive, genuine and driven individual.


Please contact Prof. Arunodaya (Arun) Bhattacharya – and/or Dr. Samara M. Levine – to informally discuss your motivation. Include the following: CV and transcripts.

Chemistry (6) Engineering (12) Physics (29)

Funding Notes

PhD co-funded by Tokamak Energy Ltd, via UKAEA's Fusion Skills Voucher Programme.


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2. T. Muroga, in Comprehensive Nuclear Materials, R. J. M. Konings, Ed. (Elsevier, Oxford, 2012;, pp. 391–406.
3. J. M. Chen, V. M. Chernov, R. J. Kurtz, T. Muroga, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 417, 289–294 (2011).
4. S. Zinkle, N. Ghoniem, Fusion Engineering and Design. 51, 55–71 (2000).
5. H. M. Chung, B. A. Loomis, D. L. Smith, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 239, 139–156 (1996).
6. H. Matsui et al., Journal of Nuclear Materials. 233–237, 92–99 (1996).
7. L. L. Snead, D. T. Hoelzer, M. Rieth, A. A. N. Nemith, in Structural Alloys for Nuclear Energy Applications, G. R. Odette, S. J. Zinkle, Eds. (Elsevier, Boston, 2019;, pp. 585–640.
8. T. Muroga, T. Nagasaka, H. Watanabe, M. Yamazaki, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 417, 310–313 (2011).
9. P. M. Rice, S. J. Zinkle, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 258–263, 1414–1419 (1998).
10. D. S. Gelles, P. M. Rice, S. J. Zinkle, H. M. Chung, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 258–263, 1380–1385 (1998).
11. K. Fukumoto, Y. Kuroyanagi, H. Kuroiwa, M. Narui, H. Matsui, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 417, 295–298 (2011).
12. R. S. Nelson, J. A. Hudson, D. J. Mazey, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 44, 318–330 (1972).
13. H. J. Frost, K. C. Russell, Journal of Nuclear Materials. 104, 1427–1432 (1981).
14. K. H. Heinig, T. Müller, B. Schmidt, M. Strobel, W. Möller, Applied Physics A. 77, 17–25 (2003).

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