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We have 13 Architecture, Building & Planning PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Reading



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Architecture, Building & Planning PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Reading

We have 13 Architecture, Building & Planning PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Reading

Understanding and managing cultural diversity on UK construction sites

Despite stringent health and safety regulations, the construction industry continues to suffer the highest proportions of fatalities and injuries of all major UK industries. Read more

Net zero housing retrofits - assuring a sustainable low-carbon transition in the domestic sector

The UK has committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. The UK's 29 million houses represent 14% of total emissions (CCC, 2019), with nearly 90% of these built more than 20 years ago before stricter energy efficiency standards came into force (Ince & Marvin, 2019). Read more

Managing the risk of social value gap in infrastructure projects

Infrastructure projects are critical to foster countries’ economic development, prosperity and growth. It has been reported that till 2030, there will be a need to invest on average 3 trillion USD annually to keep pace with population growth. Read more

Improving community engagement in renewable energy developments

Many of UK’s renewal energy developments that obtain government sanctioned approval to proceed, but not ’community approval’, are compounding the NIMBY oppositions that often lead to protracted conflicts between communities, industries and governments which in turn results in significant social, political and economic costs to the interests of all concerned. Read more

Investigating Opportunities and Challenges of Crowdsourcing for Sustainable Energy Solutions in Conflict-Affected Areas

The increasing frequency of global conflicts and climate-related disruptions has significantly impacted energy infrastructure. Particularly in conflict-affected areas, access to reliable energy sources remains critically limited. Read more

Ecology and behaviour of urban wildlife

The construction and development of urban areas is a relatively recent phenomenon. Urbanisation does, however, impose a range of advantages and disadvantages for biological organisms and which can bring them into conflict with humans. Read more
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