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We have 182 Robotics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships






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Robotics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 182 Robotics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Anticipatory navigation for autonomous robots

Simultaneous Location And Mapping (SLAM) is a strategy that allows autonomous mobile robots to navigate their environment. Sensors on board the robot detect objects and obstacles and the sensor data is used to construct a representation of the robot's physical surroundings. . Read more

Machine Learning to Build Trustworthy Robot Swarms

Supervisory Team: Mohammad Soorati. Project description. We are seeking a PhD candidate to join our cutting-edge research team (visit focused on advancing the trustworthiness and usability of multi-robot systems, particularly in the context of swarm robotics. Read more

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Ph.D.

The mechanical and industrial engineering doctorate program produces graduates with a depth of knowledge in mechanical or industrial engineering while allowing students to engage in cutting-edge, cross-disciplinary research. Read more

Fully Funded Research Position in ‘Machine Learning for Autonomous Robot Exploration’

A position (PhD level only) is available to work with Prof Pascal Meissner in the ‘Center for Artificial Intelligence’ at the ‘Wuerzburg-Schweinfurt Technical University of Applied Sciences’ on one of today’s most relevant research problems at the intersection of autonomous robotics, machine learning, computer vision, and artificial intelligence. Read more

Autonomous Mobile Robots

Projects will look at the design, construction, control and application of autonomous mobile robotic systems. Potential projects include novel robot architecture, control algorithms (including AI development) and collaborative robot behaviour (including SWARM). Read more

Intelligent Human-Robot Interaction for Rehabilitation

Applications are invited for a self-funded, 3-year full-time or 6-year part time PhD project. The PhD will be based in the School of Computing and will be supervised by Professor Zhaojie Ju. Read more

Human-Robot Collaboration for Agile Logistics and Warehouse Operations

Applications are invited for a self-funded, 3 year full-time or 6 year part-time PhD project. The PhD will be based in the School of Computing and will be supervised by Dr Uchenna Ogenyi. Read more

Causal Machine Learning in Aerospace PhD

This PhD project will investigate the recent field of study of Causal Machine Learning, which aims to modify and augment Machine Learning by using Causal Analysis techniques as a way to solve its limitations. Read more

AI and Cognitive Robotics towards Visual-tactile Perception of Materials and Human-Robot Interaction

Industrial robots are programmed to perform operational tasks efficiently. In cognitive robotics, we expect the robots to be “truly intelligent”, such that they understand the surrounding world as we do. Read more

PhD position in reinforcement learning and multi-agent reinforcement learning

The successful applicants will join the University of Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt University, and Leonardo Ltd, one of the UK's leading aerospace companies and one of the biggest suppliers of defence and security equipment to the UK. Read more

Dry-coupled ultrasonic inspection of CFRP aerospace structures

Background. Ultrasonic testing is routinely employed for verification of the integrity of structural engineering components where it is used to detect the presence of defects within the volume of a structure. Read more

Self-folding Origami ”Robots” for Cognitive Smart Materials

Background. With the development of smart materials capable of sensing and changing states, the realisation of 'robots' that are paper-like materials but that can fold themselves up, start moving, and adapt to the situation while sensing their environment is becoming a reality. Read more

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