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University of Birmingham, School of Physics and Astronomy PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 21 University of Birmingham, School of Physics and Astronomy PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Tuning of quantum magnets

A bit of well-managed stress could make one’s life much more dynamic and interesting. Mechanical stress to materials can also have significant impact on their electronic and magnetic properties, which are largely determined by atomic arrangement and electronic distribution. Read more

Super-resolved microscopy of multiple point emitters

In general, imaging resolution is limited by diffraction to half the wavelength of the light. When imaging single molecules, techniques such as STORM, PALM and MINFLUX have broken through the diffraction limit by imaging molecules one at a time, reaching resolutions well below the wavelength of the light. Read more

Dimensionality tuning and quantum engineering in exotic 2D materials

Experimental low-temperature physics involving nanofabrication, high pressure measurements, extreme magnetic field and milliKelvin temperature tuning of exotic low dimensional materials with hands-on experiments & development and opportunities for travel to international facilities. Read more

Quantum Simulation for Many-Body Physics with Ultracold Atoms

Quantum simulation is a powerful approach for exploring complex quantum physics by using a quantum system, such as an ultracold atomic gas experiment, to mimic another desired quantum model. Read more

Quantum Computing platform with atomic qubits

Quantum computing offers efficient implementation of an important class of algorithms for which their classical counterparts suffer from an exponential growth of computational costs with system size. Read more