We have 12 University of Birmingham, School of Psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships
University of Birmingham, School of Psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships
We have 12 University of Birmingham, School of Psychology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships
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Enhancing Neuroimaging Genetics through Meta-analysis (ENIGMA): Antisocial Behaviour working group
ENIGMA is an international collaborative effort that brings together over 1400 researchers across 43 countries to better understand brain structure, function, health and disease, based on meta-/mega-analyses of brain imaging and genetic data (http://enigma.ini.usc.edu). Read more
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Robust and reproducible oscillatory phenotypes of brain function from Optically Pumped Magnetometers.
4-year BBSRC MIBTP PhD Studentship. Further Information. https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/cross_fac/mibtp/about_mibtp/. Dr Andrew Quinn & Dr Anna Kowalczyk, Centre for Human Brain Health, University of Birmingham. Read more
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Scent of Emotion: Investigating cross-modal associations between smell, sound, and vision and their impact on emotional processing across the lifespan
Multisensory experiences are an intrinsic part of how we perceive the world around us, with smells having a particularly strong ability to trigger emotions and vivid memories. Smells are deeply connected to memory and emotion, often eliciting feelings that appear instantly and unconsciously. Read more
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Brain mechanisms of atypical attention in autism and the broader autistic phenotype
The perceptual saliency of distracting non-target information presents a major challenge for attention selection processes, which are required to bias selection away from distracting, non-target items. Read more
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The Computational and Neural Dynamics of Human Motivation and Cognitive Control
4-year BBSRC MIBTP PhD Studentship. Further Information: https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/cross_fac/mibtp/about_mibtp/. Centre for Human Brain Health, University of Birmingham. Read more
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Theoretical and Applied Studies of Conscious-Perception: Neuroimaging Investigations using the Fringe-P3 Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)
The question of what conscious perception is for remains a key, largely unanswered, question for the scientific study of consciousness and indeed for our whole understanding of mind. Read more
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Examining the neural correlates of motor control/learning with transcranial ultrasound stimulation (TUS)
Humans have an amazing capacity to perform a wide range of complex motor behaviours, but we have limited ability to assess the neural mechanisms which underpin them. Read more
Stress: the good, the bad, …
A little bit of stress in life is inevitable, and can actually be positive and promote wellbeing, for example by prompting you into action and helping you to meet your deadline. Read more
IDENTITY: A virtual reality mental healthcare pre-assessment tool for CYP
Midlands Mental Health and Neurosciences PhD Programme for Healthcare Professionals Virtual_Decisions. IDENTITY is an award-winning virtual reality (VR) experience used by CAMHS practitioners as a healthcare pre-assessment tool for children and young people (CYP) referred into their service. Read more
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Cognitive maps for causal inference
It has long been appreciated that humans and other animals form internal models that encode environmental states and the relationship between those states. Read more
Sensory-inclusive environments for autistic people and others with sensory processing differences
Sensory processing differences have been reported in a range of conditions, including autism, ADHD and migraine. These sensory processing differences can have a huge impact on people's everyday lives. Read more
Cognitive neuroscience of atypical attention in autism and ADHD
The perceptual saliency of distracting non-target information presents a major challenge for attention selection processes, which are required to bias selection away from distracting, non-target items. Read more
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