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We have 17 University of Salford, School of Science, Engineering and Environment PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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University of Salford, School of Science, Engineering and Environment PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 17 University of Salford, School of Science, Engineering and Environment PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Genetic and acoustic diversity in an invasive parrot

The ring-necked parakeet Psittacula krameri is one of the world’s most successfully introduced species. Native to the Indian sub-continent and sub-Saharan Africa, this species is the UK’s only naturalised parrot, and populations are continuing to increase rapidly across Europe. Read more

Evaluation of Tripterygium wilfordii derived compounds as novel treatments for medulloblastoma.

Medulloblastoma is the most common paediatric malignant brain tumour, accounting for 20% of childhood brain tumours cases per annum in the United Kingdom alone, with approximately one-third of patients dying from the disease worldwide. Read more

Plasma-coupled Electro-catalysis

This is a unique and cutting-edge PhD research opportunity in the multidisciplinary field of materials chemistry and electro-catalysis for a student with… Read more

Electro-catalysis over 2D material

This is a unique and cutting-edge PhD research opportunity in the multidisciplinary field of materials chemistry and electro-catalysis for a student with a strong background in chemistry / electrochemistry interested in applying knowledge and developing innovative 2D electro-catalysts for carbon dioxide utilization and ammonia electrosynthesis. Read more

Building Information Modelling development and application

This PhD proposal aims to investigate the further development and application of Building Information Modelling. BIM as a data and graphical enabler continues to pervade and enhance design, construction, operation, decommission and reuse of buildings and infrastructure. Read more

Intra-inter-disciplinary approaches to address open challenges of indoor and outdoor scene for videos analysis and recognition.

When we look at recent real-world applications, such as autonomous vehicle driving, use of drones to monitor events like marathons, exhibitions, processions, sports games and to study person behaviour through multiple biometric information, one can easily see that the problem is too complex and there are several open challenges. Read more

Developing a method to measure the energy performance of buildings in hot climates

Introduction. Energy House Labs at the University of Salford invites applications for a self-funded PhD position in Mechanical Engineering, we will provide world leading academic supervision and expertise alongside globally leading industry partners. Read more