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We have 11 Nottingham Trent University, School of Social Sciences PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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Nottingham Trent University, School of Social Sciences PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 11 Nottingham Trent University, School of Social Sciences PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

How does information from faces and voices combine to inform judgments of witness trustworthiness and believability?

Project ID. SS_11. Theme. Safety and Sustainability. Human faces and voices convey a huge amount of socially important information, but we know very little about how these sources of information combine to inform social judgments. Read more

Human cognitive factors in understanding antimicrobial and pesticide resistance

Project ID. SS_9. Theme. Safety and Sustainability. The applicant will have strong interests in the fields of cognitive science and its application to global sustainability around sustainable farming and public health. Read more

The social and environmental predictors of health resilience in a wild animal model

Project ID. HI_5. Theme. Health Innovation. Unlock the secrets of health resilience in wild baboons and make a significant impact on our understanding of immune function, behaviour and health in primates!. Read more

Women's physical and cognitive health across the menstrual cycle, into menopause, and beyond

Project ID. HI_3. Theme. Health Innovation. Half the world’s population are women (Taylor et al., 2021), however, historically, research focusing on women’s health has been neglected, and most of what we know about health and disease is via the investigation of males (Zucker & Beery, 2010). Read more

Nature-based urban renewal: the case of Nottingham’s Green Heart

Project ID. SS_7. Theme: Safety and Sustainability. The ambition of this PhD scholarship is to understand how nature-based urban recovery processes emerge in ordinary cities, and what their contribution is to sustainable and liveable urban futures with potential co-benefits for people, places and nature. Read more
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