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We have 5 Structural Engineering (fully funded) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Scotland






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Structural Engineering (fully funded) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Scotland

We have 5 Structural Engineering (fully funded) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in Scotland

EPSRC InDustrial CDT in Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE)

Fully funded, industrially-driven, Engineering Doctorate in Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE); receive bespoke training; be immersed in the commercial activities of an industrial sponsor; be paid an enhanced, tax-free, stipend (£24,797) and be supported by four leading ORE Universities (Edinburgh, Strathclyde, Exeter and Swansea). Read more

EPSRC InDustrial CDT in Offshore Renewable Energy (IDCORE)

Fully funded, industrially-driven, Engineering Doctorate in Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE); receive bespoke training; be immersed in the commercial activities of an industrial sponsor; be paid an enhanced, tax-free, stipend (£24,797) and be supported by four leading ORE Universities (Edinburgh, Strathclyde, Exeter and Swansea). Read more

PhD in Civil Engineering - Scalable solvers for solid mechanics problems for GPGPUs

Start date. September 2025. Finite element algorithms and software must adapt to the rapidly changing computing hardware environment to deliver robust and efficient solutions to the next generation of engineering challenges. Read more
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