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We have 15 Seismology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK)






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Seismology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK)

We have 15 Seismology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for European Students (exc UK)

Using earthquakes to constrain stress in the Earth

The magnitude and orientation of stress in the Earth determine how the Earth deforms. It is a first-order feature that one must quantify when considering loads on the Earth’s surface, flow within the Earth’s crust and mantle, or the nucleation and rupture of earthquakes. Read more

Tectonics, sea-level change, and submarine landsliding in the South Caspian Basin

This project aims to determine the tectonic and sea-level history within and at the margins of the South Caspian Basin, in Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, and the timings of major shelf collapse within the basin interior. Read more

Solving mid mantle mysteries using seismology, geodynamics and mineral physics

The structure of the crust and near-surface of the Earth is relatively well known based on geological and geophysical observations, whereas seismological observations are needed to infer the deeper structure of our planet. Read more

Seismic noise sources and background seismicity in London

Local geology and seismic hazards are generally investigated through the analysis of seismic data. In urban environments, estimating back-ground seismicity and seismic imaging is complicated by high levels of anthropogenic seismic noise, i.e. Read more

Robustly imaging mantle upwellings under isolated oceanic islands

Mantle upwellings link the deep mantle to the surface and regulate Earth’s outgassing and internal temperature, which is a fundamental control on the atmosphere and our planet’s habitability. Read more

Multiparametric geophysics and geothermal resources

Geothermal fluids are rich in heat and can hold a wealth of valuable minerals. A key challenge is finding these fluid reservoirs and assessing important parameters such as porosity, permeability and conductivity. Read more

High-precision seismology to understand slow earthquakes

Slow earthquakes remain one of the most important unexplained phenomena in fault mechanics. These ruptures are now routinely observed all over the world, often right next to or below large megathrust earthquakes. Read more

PhD positions in Structural/Earthquake Engineering at the University of Auckland, New Zealand

Description. Are you passionate about cutting-edge research on designing safer, more resilient structures to withstand earthquakes? Do you want to be part of a team pushing the boundaries of Structural and Earthquake Engineering?. Read more
Last chance to apply

Comparative planetary seismology across the telluric planets

Project Background. With the successful completion of the InSight geophysical mission on Mars (e.g., Banerdt et al 2020) and plans to put new geophysical equipment on the Moon, we have entered a new era of planetary seismology. Read more
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