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We have 16 alcohol PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students



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alcohol PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

We have 16 alcohol PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

Examining attitudes towards abstinence from alcohol in the UK: a multi-perspective investigation

  Research Group: Psychology
Alcohol remains the most significant drug of choice for citizens across the UK [1]. In 2021, 350 alcohol-specific deaths were registered in NI, one less than in 2020 when the highest number of alcohol-specific deaths was ever recorded in the region [2]. Read more

P4. Green Polymers from Sugars towards Polyethylene-Like Materials (CSHP CDT)

Polymers are widespread in modern society as they produce light, strong, and cheap plastic materials, with an ever-increasing demand, which are critical to many technologies from consumer goods, electronics to healthcare. Read more

Investigating cell-based therapies for treatment of liver disease

This project is one of 17 four year PhD Studentships funded by Medical Research Scotland (MRS) ( to be delivered jointly by the named University and External Partner Organisation (EPO). Read more

Fibre-reinforced geopolymer concrete utilising waste materials

The UK's vision for net-zero is a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050. The UK's net-zero strategy outlines proposals to decarbonize all sectors of the UK economy. Read more

The impact of post TB lung disease in the migrant population in Leicester

Title. The impact of post TB lung disease in the migrant population in Leicester. Summary. Tuberculosis is a serious infection which every year affects 10 million people around the world and causes 1.5 million deaths. Read more

Responding to Neurodiversity and the treatment needs of individuals with co-occuring mental health and substance use concerns (RDF25/HLS/SWECW/MCGOVERN)

Individuals with particular forms of Neurodivergence like Autism and/or Attention Deficit Hyperactiveity Disorder (ADHD) are more likely to have co-occuring Mental ill health (MIH) conditions (like anxiety and depression) that can increase their risk and/or continued use of Substances (SU). Read more

Viral-surface interactions studied by vibrational sum-frequency spectroscopy

The recent COVID-19 pandemic, and in particular fomite transmission of the virus, led to a lot of interest in how viral particles attached to surfaces, their survival times on different materials and how they transferred to hosts. Read more

Bioinspired magnetic microbes for treating metastatic breast cancer

There is an urgent need to develop new treatments for cancer, especially for those patients whose cancer keeps coming back or spreads to other parts of the body despite current treatments. Read more

Catalytic cascade reactions for sustainable chemicals

A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed, offering greater energy efficiency relative to non-catalytic pathways. Read more

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