We have 13 isotope PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students



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isotope PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

We have 13 isotope PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

Elucidating the fate of iron and copper based nanofertilizer in soil-plant system using isotope labelling and synchrotron techniques

Nanotechnology is a rapidly advancing enabling technology with the potential to revolutionize modern life. More recently, the application of nanotechnology in agriculture has garnered significant attention due to its high potential to facilitate sustainable agriculture and enhance food security. Read more

Hydrogen trapping and permeation in metallic and ceramic coatings for fusion powerplant applications

  Research Group: Coatings and Ceramics
Future fusion powerplants must maintain tritium inventory to ensure safe and sustainable plant operations. Structural materials in the breeder blanket and tritium extraction systems will be exposed to tritium and lithium. Read more

Laser spectroscopy of isotopes for nuclear environments

Measurements of isotopes and isotope ratios are important in many areas of science and engineering including the nuclear industry, nuclear forensics, environmental sciences and also in medicine. Read more

Lithium corrosion behaviour of RAFM steels for tritium breeder blankets in fusion energy production

The production of vast amounts of nuclear fusion energy in tokamak and compact spherical reactor designs, as a replica of nuclear reactions in the sun, rely on the deuterium (D)-tritium (T) reaction and the hot D-T plasma confinement using intense superconducting magnets. Read more

Understanding tritium trapping/retention in fusion materials due to helium induced cavities

A funded 3.5-year UK PhD studentship is available at the University of Birmingham with a tax-free stipend. The project is co-funded by the UK Atomic Energy Authority’s Tritium Fuel Cycle Division and will be collaborated with world-leading institutes in the US, France and Germany. Read more

PhD in the Production & Analysis of Nuclear Threat Reduction Relevant Radionuclides

The UK’s Nuclear Threat Reduction (NTR) programme requires regular access to samples of relevant radionuclides in order to demonstrate its capability in nuclear forensics (NF) investigations. Read more

Exploring medical isotopes production with the photon beams

  Research Group: Healthcare Engineering
There is a growing demand for radioactive isotopes to be employed both in treatment and diagnostics. Suitable isotopes need to be producable in sufficiently large quantities and at affordable price. Read more
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