Complex wounds (e.g. leg ulcers) are a common condition that produces high levels of morbidity. With >1.6 per 1000 of the UK population affected by complex wounds at any one time, the estimated annual cost to the NHS is >£5 billion. Read more
Summary. Wound healing is a fundamental biological process essential for the maintenance of tissue integrity and overall health. However, the mechanisms underlying wound healing remain complex and multifaceted. Read more
Soft tissue reconstruction is emerging as an important strategy to repair and replace diseased or damaged tissue that has been compromised due to tumour removal, injury, trauma, ageing, etc. Read more
Dendrobium Officinale (DO) is a traditional Chinese medicine for repairing gastrointestinal mucosa injuries. Plant stem cell-derived DO sprouts (SDO) exhibits more significant mucosa wound-healing effects than DO. Read more
Rationale. Repair of adult tissues involves a complex interplay of several key cell lineages and inevitably leads to formation of a fibrotic collagenous scar. Read more
Maintaining a healthy skin barrier is vital for our health. In response to skin wounding, we have a well-orchestrated immune response that heals the breach. Read more
Infectious agents enter the host during injury or surgery. Skin abrasion wounds are common and differ to surgery, such as orthopaedic implants, which is often highly invasive. Read more
Cell migration is fundamental for the existence of multicellular animals, including humans, as certain cells migrate throughout the embryo to form specific tissues. Read more
How bacterial pathogens enter and colonise plant via wounds?. Wounding of plants by hard wind, hail, heavy rain, sand storms, and frost is common in nature. Read more
Project details. Corneal disease affects millions worldwide, especially in developing countries where it's more common. While treatments like corneal transplantation and the use of membranes such as the amniotic membrane (AM) have shown promise, AM is expensive and not always available. Read more
Soft robots that can be swallowed (ingested) and can accomplish various surgical tasks are no longer a fiction for engineering. Instead of a medical doctor cutting and suturing, we expect robots to perform equivalent surgical operations. Read more
Project Overview. The emergence of bacterial strains with resistance to multiple classes of antibiotics has led to renewed interest in the antimicrobial properties of metals including silver. Read more
Collagen-I (‘collagen’ from hereon) is the most abundant protein in the human body (circa 25% of total protein mass), providing structure to organs with very different functions (e.g. Read more
The study of regenerative biology aims to elucidate the innate ability of organisms to replace tissues or organs after they have been removed or damaged. Read more
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