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We have 350 Engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in Sheffield






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Engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in Sheffield

We have 350 Engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in Sheffield

AI-Enhanced Healthcare - Leveraging Multimodal Data Integration for Impactful Innovation (S3.5-ELE-Eissa)

In recent years, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force within this discipline, bringing with it a promise of revolutionising healthcare by enabling data-driven decision-making and predictive modelling. Read more

Sequestration potential of neo-fossils for global chemical industry

Current analyses suggest that replacing traditional plastics with sustainably sourced renewable or regenerative carbon feedstocks could sequester up to 1 Gt of CO₂, potentially exceeding 2.5 Gt by 2050. Read more

Spillover-free control of flexible beams using piezoelectric sensors and actuators (S3.5-ELE-Selivanov)

The need for precise control of flexible structures is more critical than ever. Whether it’s reducing the weight of next-generation aircraft, ensuring the stability of towering skyscrapers, or improving the energy efficiency of mechanical systems, advanced control methods are at the heart of these challenges. Read more

Designing microbial co-cultures for the production of biocontrol solutions (C3.5-CMB-Pandhal)

Engineering biology through co-cultivation of microorganisms is an emerging area of synthetic biology, it can also help in understanding microbial interactions and their ecological roles, but also to create new and novel products. Read more

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