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We have 5 Soil Science (energy engineering) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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Soil Science (energy engineering) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 5 Soil Science (energy engineering) PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

A novel low-energy technique for cleaning up radioactively contaminated soils

Saturn_Nuclear_CDT. Nuclear energy will play a key role in the UK’s strategy to achieve net zero carbon by 2050. However, the high cost and intergenerational burden of decommissioning and waste management remains high and there is a need to reduce the costs of decommissioning and clean-up. Read more

Energy-SuDS: The potential of heat exchange in Sustainable Drainage Systems for decarbonising heating and cooling.

Award summary. This project is part of the Water Infrastructure & Resilience (WIRe) CDT with a tax-free annual living allowance of £24,000 (increased by £300 in years 2, 3 and 4 each), a generous research training support grant + UKRI fees paid.   . Read more
Last chance to apply

CR2025_40: Life in mines: exploring and harnessing the hidden microbiology of mine tailings, a journey of discovery and restoration

*Please note that this PhD will be hosted by the Natural History Museum, London*. The climate emergency demands a fundamental shift in our energy supply but technologies achieving this require an increased demand in metals and consequent mining. Read more
Last chance to apply

CR2025_40: Life in mines: exploring and harnessing the hidden microbiology of mine tailings, a journey of discovery and restoration

*Please note that this PhD will be hosted by the Natural History Museum, London*. The climate emergency demands a fundamental shift in our energy supply but technologies achieving this require an increased demand in metals and consequent mining. Read more

Socio-ecological synergies and trade-offs in river rewilding

This funded PhD studentship is an exciting opportunity to conduct new social-ecological research on river rewilding. River-floodplain connection via rewilding is increasingly seen as a transformative approach to reverse declines in biodiversity. Read more
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