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We have 65 Solid Mechanics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students






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Solid Mechanics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

We have 65 Solid Mechanics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

Control of an Advanced Flexible Chain-die Forming Process

Flexible Chain-die forming is a novel UQ patented advanced sheet metal forming technology which aims at manufacturing stronger, lighter and cheaper advanced high strength steel (AHSS) parts with improved quality and substantially lower energy consumption for many industries such automotive and clean energy systems. Read more
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Early-stage detection and characterisation of hydrogen-induced defects using ultrasonic arrays for enhanced structural integrity assessment

The project. Motivation. The development of hydrogen energy technologies is central to the UK government's ten-point plan for a green industrial revolution, targeting a 40% reduction in gas consumption by 2030 and carbon-zero emissions by 2050. Read more

Ultrabroadband solutions for intra data-centre comms

Supervisory Team. Prof Gilberto Brambilla, Dr Martynas Beresna. With the advent of machine learning and AI, more and more technologies are reliant on data centres, that already absorbs few % of the world generated power and it is forecasted to exceed 20% over the next decade. Read more

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