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We have 61 Solid Mechanics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students






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Solid Mechanics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

We have 61 Solid Mechanics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

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Fusion of distributed and point acoustic sensing with physics-enhanced machine learning for remote monitoring of strategic energy assets

This project aims to leverage the advances in ultrasonic testing, including optical fibre-based distributed acoustic sensing and physics-enhanced machine learning, to increase the reliability of nuclear waste storage monitoring. . Read more
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Distributed acoustic sensing for monitoring complex environments

This project aspires to advance distributed acoustic sensing by developing physics-enhanced signal processing algorithms particularly suited for complex multi-source environments. . Read more

Mathematical models of contact mechanics

The project. This project aims to resolve the computational difficulties that arise in Finite Element modelling of mechanical structures involving joints and surfaces that impact or slip against each other. Read more

Physics-informed machine learning

The project. Many modern machine-learning architectures require significant amounts of data for training and validation. In the physical sciences, experimental data is often sparse and hence machine learning models must be supplemented by constraints that go beyond observational data alone. Read more

Modelling and experiments of drying-driven gelation of colloidal fluids

The project. Colloidal fluids are liquids that contain solid particles. The drying of colloidal fluids is crucial to countless industrial processes, such as ink-jet printing, pesticide spraying, and the fabrication of battery electrodes. Read more

Development of novel model to predict the lifespan of metallic components for application in hydrogen-powered engines/generators (RDF25/EE/MCE/ZHANG)

Hydrogen is an important renewable fuel owing to its high energy content and no carbon dioxide emission [1], which can significantly contribute to the UK Governments ‘2050 net-zero target’, if it is widely utilised in engines/generators. Read more

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