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We have 42 Sport Performance PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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Sport Performance PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 42 Sport Performance PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

MRes – Is self-paced performance the key to normalising intensity of interval training across individuals? (Project ID SAS0206)

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a widely employed training methodology known for its effectiveness in improving cardiorespiratory and metabolic fitness, ultimately leading to increased exercise capacity (Buchheit & Laursen, 2013). Read more

MRes – Assessing mountain bike downhill performance following high-intensity exercise bouts (Project ID SAS0207)

Mountain biking, particularly in its enduro and cross-country disciplines, requires not only exceptional technical skills but also substantial physical conditioning to manage repeated high-intensity efforts (Impellizzeri & Marcora, 2007; Kirkwood et al., 2017). Read more

PhD Opportunity - Exploring the health benefits of e-bike use compared to traditional non-electric bike commuting

'TO APPLY, PLEASE CLICK INSTITUTION WEBSITE'. Project Background. Our previous research has demonstrated that active commuting, particularly cycling, is associated with significant health advantages, such as a reduced risk of mortality and a lower likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases. Read more

Molecular mechanisms of pacemaker (sinus node) dysfunction in ageing, heart failure and athletes

  Research Group: Chemistry and Biosciences
The heart’s pacemaker, the sinus node, initiates the action potential that causes the heart to beat, and the atrioventricular node conducts the action potential from the atria to the ventricles, the pumping chambers of the heart. Read more

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