We have an exciting opportunity for a fully funded bilateral PhD scholarship. The succesful candidate will work on a collaborative project in the areas of systems chemistry and colloidal nanomaterials, in laboratories at both the Universities of St Andrews (UK) and Bonn (Germany). Read more
Project Summary. This project aims to make key advances in converting CO. 2. into new sustainable polymer materials, underpinned by the development of new catalytic pathways. Read more
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is a magnetic resonance technique that is exclusively and exquisitely sensitive to unpaired electrons that are found in radicals and paramagnetic metal complexes. Read more
A PhD position is available in the group of Dr. Amit Kumar (https://kumarresearchlab.com/) to work in the areas of organometallic catalysis, polymer chemistry and CO2 capture. Read more
Our research is currently directed towards developing catalytic methods for the promotion of a range of synthetic transformations with varying applications in asymmetric synthesis. Read more
Applications are invited for a talented PhD candidate to join our team at the University of St Andrews (Scotland, UK) working towards the understanding and development of multi-position molecular switches based on individual endohedral fullerene molecules and building on recent results with Li@C. Read more
This project is one of 17 four year PhD Studentships funded by Medical Research Scotland (MRS) (https://www.medicalresearchscotland.org.uk) to be delivered jointly by the named University and External Partner Organisation (EPO). Read more
*Offer only available for the duration of your active subscription, and subject to change. You MUST claim your prize within 72 hours, if not we will redraw.
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