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We have 17 Tissue Engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students






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Tissue Engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

We have 17 Tissue Engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

Doctoral Researcher (m/f/div) in T-Cell Immunology

The Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology (Leibniz-HKI) investigates the pathobiology of human-pathogenic fungi and identifies targets for the development of novel natural product-based antibiotics. Read more

Green chemistry synthesis of silver nanoparticles in b-cyclodextrin doped nanofibers for wound healing applications

RCSI's Strategic Academic Recruitment (StAR) Programme is now recruiting for prestigious funded PhD scholarships. This programme aims to attract high-achieving students to a four-year structured PhD training programme at RCSI and Qatar University. Read more

Fully Funded 4-year PhD Studentship in Cardiovascular Science

Applications are invited for a 4-year PhD studentship fully funded by NC3Rs within the Cardiovascular Research Group at the University of Surrey, in collaboration with Professor Chris Denning at the University of Nottingham. Read more
Last chance to apply

ERC funded PhD position in understanding the role of microproteins in infection/innate immunity

Innate immune cells are constantly sensing the environment and responding to pathogen invasion. In this process, cells change their transcriptional and proteomic landscape. Read more

Multi-scale modelling and simulation of bio-inspired structures

Bio-inspired structures draw their primary inspiration from the sheer fecundity of nature in the diversity of forms and their constant evolution in order to better adapt to their environment. Read more
Last chance to apply

GEMS Topic: Preparation of Cellulose Derivatives From Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch and incorporation into graphene oxide for electroactive material

Cellulose derived from plant fibres has been extensively reported to be used in building materials, textiles and clothing. The renewability, biodegradability, nontoxicity, and low production costs, these raw materials have attracted significant interest from the chemical industry as feedstock. Read more

A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) investigation of endovascular aortic arch stent graft designs in relation to post-operative thrombus formation

Industry co-funded EPSRC PhD Studentship. An exciting opportunity for a fully-funded 42-month PhD studentship co-funded by a world-leading medical devices company and EPSRC is available at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde. Read more

Exploring mechanisms underlying viral infections in initiating pulmonary fibrosis

Respiratory viral infections are the most prevalent illnesses in humans. In addition to their immediate health effects, these infections can result in long-term lung conditions like pulmonary fibrosis and worsen existing chronic lung diseases. Read more

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