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We have 3 ergonomics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students



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ergonomics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

We have 3 ergonomics PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

Bioengineering informed design of military protective clothing and equipment.

To support the rapid advance of protective equipment such as technical clothing, there is a need for improving the understanding of how these devices fit a range of individuals and protect them, across a wide range of user variability in body sizes and shapes, across dimensions including gender and ethnicity. Read more

Collaborative Robotics for Product Handling

DuPont manufactures materials with world famous household names such as Lycra, Nylon, Kevlar, Teflon and Neoprene. The DuPont site in Maydown employs over 200 people and is a world leader in the production of Kevlar. Read more

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Ph.D.

The mechanical and industrial engineering doctorate program produces graduates with a depth of knowledge in mechanical or industrial engineering while allowing students to engage in cutting-edge, cross-disciplinary research. Read more
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