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We have 21 phosphorus PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students



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phosphorus PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

We have 21 phosphorus PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students

Benchtop NMR for Automated Analysis in High-throughput Reaction Screening

Background. Chemical synthesis is the cornerstone of modern science and technology, underpinning the development of new drug molecules, agrochemicals, advanced materials and technologies. Read more

GW4+ DOCTORAL LANDSCAPE TRAINING PARTNERSHIP (DLTP): Calcium’s role in building a habitable planet

Project aims and methods. Biogeochemical model investigations of the co-evolution of the Earth and life have tended to focus on oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations in the oceans and atmosphere, examining how these have been controlled by the carbon (C), sulfur (S) and phosphorus (P) cycles. Read more

Cysteinolides, a novel microbial sulfonolipids in the oceans (CENTA 2025-B5)

Marine roseobacter clade bacteria play important roles in the global carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycles (Buchan et al., 2014). For example, they are involved in the formation and consumption of the climate-active gases- methylated amines. Read more

PhD Position in Fundamental and Applied Chemistry of PN Cages

Background. Our group explores geometrically interesting molecules for fundamental and functional chemistry. One area of focus is the development of scaffolds from which substituents can be reliably extended with well-defined bond angles and lengths. Read more

E5 DTP - Examining the carbon chemistry and cycling of natural and artificial peatland pools

Drainage and erosion of peatlands diminishes carbon (C) storage, biodiversity and water quality, and there is now a concerted effort to restore peatlands to re-establish these lost ecosystem services. Read more

Physiological consequences of cyanobacterial lipid remodelling under changing ocean conditions

  Research Group: CENTA - Central England NERC Training Alliance
Project Highlights. ·        High throughput lipidomics analysis. ·        Effects of future ocean conditions on cyanobacteria. Read more

A new sulfolipid in bacteria-phytoplankton interactions

  Research Group: CENTA - Central England NERC Training Alliance
Project Highlights. ·        Marine microbes meet omics. ·        World-leading supervisory team on marine microbiology and ecology. Read more

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