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We have 47 Architecture PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK



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Architecture PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK

We have 47 Architecture PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in the UK

Fire Dynamics, Material Flammability and Computer Modelling of Fire Phenomena

  Research Group: Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
Fire dynamics and material flammability are important research areas within fire safety engineering (FSE) in identifying and understanding the mechanisms related to the degradation, ignition and burning of materials and subsequent the fire spread and development with the ultimate goal to improve fire safety (people and structure) in buildings and other spaces. Read more

A Biophilic design approach to UN SDG 3 and Trauma Informed Design

  Research Group: Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
This PhD will contrast the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal, 3 – Good Health and Wellbeing (UN SDG 3) with Biophilic, Trauma Informed Design (TID). Read more

A Digital Human-Asset Twin of Twins architecture for Buildings

  Research Group: Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
In Built Environment, Digital Twins (DTs) research show how the digital imitation of buildings and infrastructures can be used to simulate performance, test operational scenarios and remotely control the physical asset across its life cycle. Read more

‘Advanced Nordic Articulation via Architecture’ [naava]

  Research Group: Architecture, Built Environment and Planning
‘naava’ is a project that presents a new way of researching building and space produced in the North East Atlantic corridor and Nordic countries. Read more

Investigating the effects of structural openings on blast wave propagation and human injury risk

Co Supervisor. Prof Steeve Chung Kim Yuen, University of Cape Town. This PhD project offers you the opportunity to undertake cutting edge blast engineering research to inform the development of strategies to protect buildings and their occupants from the threat of explosions in built up areas. Read more

Net zero housing retrofits - assuring a sustainable low-carbon transition in the domestic sector

The UK has committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. The UK's 29 million houses represent 14% of total emissions (CCC, 2019), with nearly 90% of these built more than 20 years ago before stricter energy efficiency standards came into force (Ince & Marvin, 2019). Read more

The effects of building frangibility on blast wave propagation

Supervisory Team. Dr Jack Denny, Steeve Chung Kim Yuen (University of Cape Town). Explosions remain a serious threat to buildings and their occupants due to the occurrence of terrorist attacks, armed conflicts, and large-scale accidents. Read more
Last chance to apply

The integration of 2D and 3D image processing and AI for in-situ low-cost evaluation of Carbon life-cycle of buildings

Project ID. SS_18. Theme: Safety and Sustainability. A PhD scholarship is available at Nottingham Trent University to develop, using 2D and 3D image processing and AI, algorithms and software that can be used to assess the Carbon footprint of buildings and life-cycle analysis. Read more
Last chance to apply

Sustainable Construction UK: Investigating the UK construction industry’s culture in relation to meeting long-term social, economic and environmental goals

Project ID. SS_5. Theme: Safety and Sustainability. Sustainable Construction UK. Investigating the UK construction industry’s culture in relation to meeting long-term social, economic and environmental goals. Read more

Mapping solar PV potential for existing buildings stocks in the UK by deep learning of satellite and aerial images data

Project Abstract. We are seeking an ambitious PhD candidate to join a cutting-edge research project aiming to map the solar photovoltaic (PV) potential for existing building stocks in the UK through the application of deep learning on satellite and aerial image data. Read more

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