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We have 962 Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in the UK






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Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in the UK

We have 962 Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in the UK

Biochip Enzymologist: Single-molecule enzymology on biophotonics chips

PhD Studentship Advertisement. Biochip Enzymologist. Single-molecule enzymology on biophotonics chips. Project Overview. This exciting PhD studentship offers the opportunity to engage in pioneering research at the crossroads of integrated photonics technology, single-molecule sensing, and enzyme dynamics. Read more

PhD in Chemistry: Studies in heterogeneous catalysts

The Max Planck Centre for fundamental studies on heterogeneous catalyst was established in 2019 and has two themes operating on experimental heterogeneous catalysis; namely catalyst design and acetylene chemistry. Read more

PhD in Chemistry: New catalysts for acetylene processes enabling a sustainable future

Chemical industry produces tens of thousands of chemical intermediates and products that are essential components of polymers, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, fragrances, paints, and more, elevating the overall quality and length of human life across the globe. Read more
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EASTBIO Towards Sustainable Plastics via Microbes

EASTBIO Towards Sustainable Plastics via Microbes. Sustainable approaches to plastic generation, and technologies to enable plastic degradation are critical to our planet. Read more

Driving polymer mechanochemistry via processing techniques

Conventionally, chemical transformations are driven by inputs such as light, heat or electricity. However, the exciting field of polymer mechanochemistry is adding to these conventions by developing the use of mechanical force to drive chemical changes. Read more

Mechatronics system for hybrid manufacturing processing - (ENG 191)

Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre (UTC) in Manufacturing and On-Wing Technology, The University of Nottingham. Applicants are invited to undertake a 3 year PhD program in partnership with industry to address key challenges in on-platform manufacturing engineering. Read more

3D-Printed High Voltage Insulating Materials for the Green Energy Transition

The move to a green economy requires a significant expansion of the existing electricity transmission networks. There is thus an increased demand for installing new transmission and distribution assets including cables, transformers and switchgear etc. Read more

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