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We have 161 Computational Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in the UK






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Computational Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in the UK

We have 161 Computational Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in the UK

PhD in Chemistry: Studies in heterogeneous catalysts

The Max Planck Centre for fundamental studies on heterogeneous catalyst was established in 2019 and has two themes operating on experimental heterogeneous catalysis; namely catalyst design and acetylene chemistry. Read more

PhD in Chemistry: New catalysts for acetylene processes enabling a sustainable future

Chemical industry produces tens of thousands of chemical intermediates and products that are essential components of polymers, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, fragrances, paints, and more, elevating the overall quality and length of human life across the globe. Read more
Last chance to apply

EASTBIO Towards Sustainable Plastics via Microbes

EASTBIO Towards Sustainable Plastics via Microbes. Sustainable approaches to plastic generation, and technologies to enable plastic degradation are critical to our planet. Read more

Computational photochemistry/Vibrational control in transition metal complexes

Controlling the outcome of chemical reactions is arguably one of the holy grails of chemical physics. Experiments, done at Sheffield1,2,3 have shown that it is possible to direct a photophysical process using infrared light, taking a step towards achieving this goal. Read more

Computational modelling of two-dimensional graphene-based materials

Graphene is a novel material with outstanding electronic and mechanical properties. Chemical modification of graphene gives rise to new materials, such as graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide, with properties very distinct from graphene and with possible applications in photocatalysis and batteries. Read more

Computational modelling of chemical interactions in soil

This project will use atomic-scale computational modelling to understand chemical processes in soil. Soils contain large amounts of organic matter (also called “soil organic carbon”). Read more

Development of new Gaussian basis sets for the lanthanides

Molecules containing lanthanide elements are currently of strong interest due to their use in fields such as catalysis, magnets, imaging, battery technologies and ultra-cold chemistry. Read more

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