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We have 13 Entomology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in the UK



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Entomology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in the UK

We have 13 Entomology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students in the UK

Ecologically-based temperate rainforest restoration: effectiveness for biodiversity recovery, carbon sequestration and resilience

The UK has a very reduced and fragmented woodland area. Temperate rainforests on the western coastal and uplands zone of the country are amongst the most depleted of our woodland ecosystems, and have recently been identified as the highest priority for restoration. Read more

Developing novel insecticidal proteins for crop protection

Project Overview. Undertake a cutting-edge PhD research project at the UoY’s Centre for Novel Agricultural Products (CNAP), focused on addressing one of the most pressing challenges in agriculture. Read more

Competition in the brain: the neural basis of behavioural decision-making

Life as an animal is a constant process of choosing between actions. do I look for food, escape from a predator, find a mate, or stay on the sofa? Many of these actions are mutually exclusive, so decisions must carefully balance the importance of the animal’s various needs. Read more

Population genomics of insect communities

Declines in insect populations and species are arguably one of the most concerning symptoms of the biodiversity crisis, given their importance in underpinning food webs and ecosystem processes. Read more

Self-funded MSc R- Effects of age on disease defence strategies in ants

Group living offers favourable conditions for the spread of infectious diseases, because high population densities and frequent social contacts facilitate pathogen transmission. Read more

Self-funded MSc R- Sublethal effects of novel insecticides on a beneficial parasitoid wasp and the implications for biological control

Broad-spectrum chemical insecticides such as neonicotinoids are a major cause of beneficial insect declines globally. In response to this, bans and restrictions on neonicotinoid use have been implemented on a global scale in an attempt to reverse trends in insect biodiversity loss. Read more

Plant-insect interactions in a changing world

Project Overview: . Insects associated with plants comprise one of the most diverse groups of species on earth. Their impact on the ecology and evolution of their host plants is widely recognised, as is their contribution to multiple important ecosystem services. Read more
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