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We have 173 Environmental Biology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in the UK



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Environmental Biology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in the UK

We have 173 Environmental Biology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for UK Students in the UK

Respired Microplastics: Unveiling Hidden Infection and Cellular Risks

The PhD Project. Microplastics (MPs) represent an emerging and unappreciated threat to respiratory health. MPs are small plastic particles, that range from 1 µm - 5 mm in size, that can be inhaled and become entrenched within lung tissue. Read more

Enhancing Marine Biodiversity Through Repurposing Manmade Structures with Secondary Coastal Flood Defence Benefits

Saturn_Nuclear_CDT. Manmade marine structures, such as decommissioned cooling water intake tunnels from power stations, represent significant infrastructural assets that can be repurposed to address pressing environmental challenges. Read more

The Leverhulme Programme for Doctoral Training in Ecological Data Science

Based at the University of Glasgow and funded by the Leverhulme Trust, the Leverhulme Programme for Doctoral Training in Ecological Data Science will train a new generation of data scientists. Read more

LISS DTP fully-funded Social Science PhD Studentships

The LISS Doctoral Training Partnership is led by King's College London and funded by the Economic & Social Research Council & partner universities LISS DTP fully-funded Social Science PhD Studentships. Read more

LISS DTP fully-funded Social Science PhD Studentships

The LISS Doctoral Training Partnership is led by King's College London and funded by the Economic & Social Research Council & partner universities LISS DTP fully-funded Social Science PhD Studentships. Read more

LISS DTP fully-funded Social Science PhD Studentships

The LISS Doctoral Training Partnership is led by King's College London and funded by the Economic & Social Research Council & partner universities LISS DTP fully-funded Social Science PhD Studentships. Read more

LISS DTP fully-funded Social Science PhD Studentships

The LISS Doctoral Training Partnership is led by King's College London and funded by the Economic & Social Research Council & partner universities LISS DTP fully-funded Social Science PhD Studentships. Read more

EPSRC CDT in Developing National Capability for Materials 4.0, with the Henry Royce Institute

Right now, our society faces huge, urgent challenges. From the imperative to achieve net-zero, to the need to build a resilient, circular economy in an uncertain world, to the drive for increased productivity as our fellow nations embrace the digital revolution. Read more

EPSRC CDT in Developing National Capability for Materials 4.0, with the Henry Royce Institute

Right now, our society faces huge, urgent challenges. From the imperative to achieve net-zero, to the need to build a resilient, circular economy in an uncertain world, to the drive for increased productivity as our fellow nations embrace the digital revolution. Read more

EPSRC CDT in Developing National Capability for Materials 4.0, with the Henry Royce Institute

Right now, our society faces huge, urgent challenges. From the imperative to achieve net-zero, to the need to build a resilient, circular economy in an uncertain world, to the drive for increased productivity as our fellow nations embrace the digital revolution. Read more

EPSRC CDT in Developing National Capability for Materials 4.0, with the Henry Royce Institute

Right now, our society faces huge, urgent challenges. From the imperative to achieve net-zero, to the need to build a resilient, circular economy in an uncertain world, to the drive for increased productivity as our fellow nations embrace the digital revolution. Read more

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